For the workshop click > HERE <
The team from Webmapper is hosting this Maptime and will provide a workshop to share their hands-on experience in web cartography and geographic web application development. JavaScript powers most online maps these days. During this evening we'll cover the two primary mapping libraries D3.js and Leaflet.js.
We'll start off with an overview of some of the best maps of 2016 made with JavaScript, to give you an insight into the versatility of JavaScript for maps. Followed by a brief introduction of the tools of the trade. After a short break to take in some Dutch courage, we'll start the workshop. Never written a line of code before? Don't worry! Maptime is for all skill levels! This is what Maptime is all about: a time and space for collaborative learning, exploration, and map creation.
We will divide the group into 2 during the evening: Beginners and Advanced.
For the beginners, if you have no knowlegde of JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Leaflet.js and D3.js This is what you need: bring your laptop and have a nice text editor installed. For example SublimeText or Brackets.
If you want to get the most out of the workshop and want to prepare yourself, you could take a look at the JavaScript and HTML & CSS tutorials on Code Academy. (Nice and free) Sign in on Doing the introduction lessons for all 3 languages is sufficient!
During the workshop we will take you step by step through the processes.
For the advanced users, we will have a "show and tell" to discuss current projects and help each other out. So think about any thing you would like to know. Also, there will be a tutorial how to use Leaflet together with PDOK, a Dutch government initiative for online mapping services.
#Detailed programme:
###19:00 Maptime starts, @ VergaderInn. Open up your laptops
###19:15 Introduction
###19:30 Leaflet.js
- Making a basic map.
- Using layers
- Pop-ups, markers and lines.
- Inserting GeoJSON
- PDOK Mapping Services
###20:15 Break
###20:30 D3.js
- Making a map
- Different projections
###21:15 Keep working or have a drink!
Maptime will provide coffee, thee and drinks (non-alcoholic) and CartoDB will sponsor pizza for snacks!
Please, if you decide not to go any more, change your RSVP setting so the people on the wait list will get a chance.
Keep posted on our Meetup!