Check out this live demo to see my-site in action.
Install modules
cd my-site
npm install
Start a development server
npm run dev
or Create and start a production build
npm run build
npm run start
Fork this project for your customization ideas!
Tip: You should see if these changes work in the development server before building and starting.
To add custom fonts, make sure to import them into ./components/fonts.js
and change ./components/logo.js
and ./lib/theme.js
To change colours (or add your own), edit ./lib/theme.js
to your liking. There are many instances where colours weren't used from the theme so keep an eye out (colours will be more centralized in the near future)!
To showcase your skills, edit ./pages/projects.js
and add your projects to ./pages/projects
and/or edit ./pages/work.js
and add your work to ./pages/work
Let others know where they can find you by editing ./pages/index.js
and add your own contact links near the end.
There are many great hosting platforms that will have services to showcase your static websites. I used Next.js for this website which goes perfecty with Vercel; I advise you use it!