This project is a minimal demonstration of Messaging between Payer and Payee. These APIs are intended to be used with Nexus to facilitate Request To Pay in international transactions or cross border transactions.
- Make sure you have java 11 and rabbit mq installed on your machine.
- Complie the code using maven.
- Run the code
- Test API using Postman.
There are two API's for Nexus Messaging:
- Messaging API
- Bill API
Message API is used to send and receive messages and for the approval of the payee.
POST https://localhost:8080/message/{Status}
example body is specified in message.json
example api call:
POST https://localhost:8080/message/PENDING
Bill API is used for sending the bill amount and due date to the payee. The reason why this is not part of the messaging API is because the bill API can also be used for basic R2P payments.
POST https://localhost:8080/bill/
example body is specified in bill.json