This project was generated with Angular CLI version 18.0.2.
Run ng serve
for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/
. The application will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.
Run ng build
to build the project. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/
Run ng test
to execute the unit tests via Karma.
- The project is structured into different components which includes:
- AppComponent (acts as the root component)
- ConvertFormComponent
- FileChipComponent
- LoaderComponent
- NgxExtendedPdfViewerComponent - Used from the ngx-extended-pdf-viewer package to view PDF files.
This project uses Angular 18.0.0 and TypeScript 5.4.2 for the development.
The project utilizes the following packages to optimize the application:
- ngx-indexed-db: Provides an easy-to-use API to interact with IndexedDB
- ng2-pdfjs-viewer: For viewing PDF documents.
- ngx-toastr: Used for pop-up messages.
The services are injected which help to keep the code clean and prepare data for the components:
- PdfService service is being is used for functionalities related to PDF conversion and file management.
- LoadingService service is being used for setting and getting the loading state of the application.
The project uses the following models:
- ConvertedFile model represents the structure of a converted PDF file.
The project is divided into the following components to neatly segment functionality:
- AppComponent: The main app component which incorporates other components and services. It contains the main layout and it manages the processes of converting texts to PDF, viewing and deleting files.
- ConvertFormComponent: This component presumably handles conversion form related actions.
- FileChipComponent: This component presumably handles listing and selection of converted files.
- LoaderComponent: A simple loading spinner component used to indicate data loading or processing events.