Calculates limit of detection and PCR efficiency from qPCR dilution series Ct values.
A .csv file with qPCR results for a dilution series; this file must include a column named "target_conc" which is the concentration of your target sequence/DNA (must be a number) and a column named "Ct" which is the cycle at which the sample crossed the threshold (if the sample didn't amplify, leave blank or put "NA"); see example input data
Standard curve +/- 95% confidence intervals, PCR efficiency, Limit of Blanks, Limit of Detection, and Limit of Quantification, and a plot of all this
You can upload Cts of unknown samples and estimate concentrations based on standard curve; see example unknown dataset
Derived heavily from Klymus et al 2019 and with LOQ equation from Forootan et al. 2017
This script uses the simplest way to calculate LOD. See Klymus et al 2019 for more complicated model fitting options.