Dropwizard JDBI Swagger example application was developed to, as its name implies, provide examples of some of the features present in Dropwizard, JDBI and Swagger.
#Overview This Application contains the Dropwizard Helloworld example and Person to Perform CURD Operations.
#Running Application
To package the example run.
mvn package
To run db migration script.
java -jar target\1.0.1-0.0.1.jar migrate config.yaml
To Run the server
java -jar target\1.0.1-0.0.1.jar server config.yaml
#Rest URL's Rest URL for HellowWorld Resource is
Rest URL for Person Resource: You can Navigate to the below URL to find what are the REST Url's existed for Person Resource.
#Swagger Swagger URL :
In this page you can click on show/hide operation whicjh will display the list of resources to access.
#Health CheckUp