formerly Jelly_ROS_23-24
This repository contains the code for the second iteration of the submersible robot Jelly.
Place desired commands to run the code in catkin_ws is located in the ~ directory which is /root for this container.
Do not develop within the container as your changes will not be saved. To install a dependency please add it to the Dockerfile.
To run you must have the Docker Engine installed an NVIDIA Jetson. This can run on any device so long as the path to the GPIO is changed for RUN_OPTS in
To run you must use a bash terminal. For Windows you can use GitBash.
sudo bash <name>
or ./ <name>
Replace <name>
with the desired name of the container. The script will prompt to delete a container if an existing one is found.
sudo bash <name>
or ./ <name>
Replace <name>
with the desired name of the container.
Instructions on how to run and launch ros nodes and scripts will be located inside, will use the dockerfile to create and run the container
Before you run anything with ros you need to have sourced ros this is usually done with the command source XXXX
Steps to run ROS
- Source ROS into system
- cd catkin_workspace directory
- catkin_make
- source devel/setup.bash
- rosrun 'package_name' 'python_file'.py
Common Problems
ROS is not sourced roscore will not run
catkin_make fails because you are missing a dependency
catkin_make fails because you did not configure CMakeLists
Python files are not executables
Check that I2C address is correct
All files should be run with python3 as the interpreter
Types for launch files are Very important
At step 2 you should see a directory with the following structure
**python files**
**python files**
All nodes in Catkin Workspace must have the following documentation added at the head of the file. White Space is important here!
"Control System: eg. ROS or ROS2"
Node: "Name"
"Topics each on own line"
"Topics each on own line"
Maintainer: "Name"
An optional but highly encouraged additional piece of documentation to add to each file is a short addendum to the above segment explaining what and why the node exists.
This Node functions to do X
This Node is here to break out the behavoirs of X system into multiple nodes.
Documentation will be built with Sphinx this requires that there be a second file system 'Documentation' which is compiled into docs.
All code in 'Generated/' is automatically grabbed by '' do not edit here all changes can be overwritten.