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tidycmprsk 1.1.0

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@ddsjoberg ddsjoberg released this 17 Aug 04:24
  • Updating package to account for changes in {gtsummary} v2.0. To use gtsummary::tbl_regression() with tidycmprsk::crr() models, the {tidycmprsk} package must be loaded (to access the S3 methods below). In the next release of gtsummary, tidycmprsk will no longer be a dependency.
    • Added {broom.helpers}, {cardx}, and {aod} to Suggests field.
    • Added tbl_regression.tidycrr() method.
    • Added global_pvalue_fun.tidycrr() method, which changes the default calculation in gtsummary::add_global_p(anova_fun) to use the Wald test.