The following will install the latest version of the cli:
apt install git python3-dev python3-setuptools build-essential libffi-dev libssl-dev python3-straight.plugin python3-cryptography
git clone
cd monroe-cli
python3 develop
To set up your certificate, copy your pkcs12 certificate to the new VM, and run:
monroe setup <certificate-file>
The tool generates an ssh key to use for ssh-ing into the nodes, it asks the user to proceed with the key generation it can't find one in ~/.monroe
The tool depends on having crt and key files for an experimenter certificate in ~/.monroe/. This is automated by running monroe setup <cert.p12>
on a fed4fire pkcs12 certificate, which creates a .monroe folder in your home directory, and extracts the cert and key in pem format.
The library can be imported as such:
from monroe.core import *
The public funtions are all documented and it should be straightforward to use. The following example creates a scheduler, adds an experiment, modifies it and submits it:
s = Scheduler("/home/user/.monroe/mnrCrt.pem", "/home/user/.monroe/mnrKey.pem")
e = s.new_experiment()
The following example creates a scheduler, and retrieves list of nodes in a particular country:
s = Scheduler("/home/user/.monroe/mnrCrt.pem", "/home/user/.monroe/mnrKey.pem")
nodelist = [ for node in s.nodes() if == 'spain']