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The GelSlim 4.0 Shear Field Package

Optical flow-based approximations of shear fields from RGB vision-based tactile sensor GelSlim 4.0

GIF of Helmholtz Decomposition and Divergence and Curl
GIF of Time Derivative
GIF of Shear Field Approximations

For all functionality associated with the GelSlim 4.0, visit the project website!

This repository is also used in Built Different: Tactile Perception to Overcome Cross-Embodiment Capability Differences in Collaborative Manipulation.

Tested On:


  1. Install PyTorch

  2. Install Dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Clone gelslim_shear with git to create the root directory

  2. Install gelslim_shear (run in gelslim_shear root directory)

pip install -e .

Shear Field Generation

This package allows the designing of a multi-channel tensor with a variety of representations of the shear field. We provide a ShearGenerator to generate the shear field from an RGB tactile image in the form of a 3 x H x W tensor, with values between 0 and 255 (float or uint8). To do this:

  1. Import the ShearGenerator:
from gelslim_shear.shear_utils.shear_from_gelslim import ShearGenerator
  1. Define the generator with your parameters. We only recommend altering method, Farneback_params and channels though you can alter the size of the shear field output_size from (13,18) to something else. You can define one shear generator for each finger.
shgen = ShearGenerator(method=<choose one from ['1','2', weighted]>, channels=<any combination of ['u','v','div','curl','sol_u','sol_v','irr_u','irr_v','dudt','dvdt','du','dv']>, Farneback_params = (0.5, 3, 15, 3, 5, 1.2, 0))

For example:

shgen = ShearGenerator(method='2', channels=['u','v','div','du','dv'], Farneback_params = (0.5, 3, 45, 3, 5, 1.2, 0))

The above example will create a shear generator which outputs a 5 x 13 x 18 tensor with each channel representing those in the specified list.

A description of the possible channels:

  • u: Horizontal component of the shear field
  • v: Vertical component of the shear field
  • div: Divergence of the shear field
  • curl: Curl of the shear field
  • sol_u: Horizontal component of the solenoidal shear field from the Helmholtz-Hodge Decomposition
  • sol_v: Vertical component of the solenoidal shear field from the Helmholtz-Hodge Decomposition
  • irr_u: Horizontal component of the irrotational shear field from the Helmholtz-Hodge Decomposition
  • irr_v: Vertical component of the irrotational shear field from the Helmholtz-Hodge Decomposition
  • dudt: Horizontal component of the time derivative of the shear field
  • dvdt: Vertical component of the time derivative of the shear field
  • du: Horizontal component of the change in the shear field
  • dv: Vertical component of the change the shear field

(0.5, 3, 45, 3, 5, 1.2, 0) is a good setting for method 2 without many defects and avoids potential coding complexity from the weighted method. However, some resolution is lost with these Farneback_params as opposed to (0.5, 3, 15, 3, 5, 1.2, 0).

  1. Once shgen is defined, you can use it in a continuous loop with system time t defined (i.e from rospy.get_time(), etc.), and the deformed and undeformed tactile images defined as 3 x H x W tensors (we use H=320 and W=427) named tactile_image and base_tactile_image:
while True:
  t = #function to get time
  tactile_image = #function to get tactile image in 3 x H x W tensor
  shear_field_tensor = shgen.get_shear_field()
  #do something with shear_field_tensor

shgen.get_shear_field() returns the len(shgen.channels) x 13 x 18 tensor that represents the shear field.

  1. If at any time you'd like to manually reset the shear field with a new base_tactile_image (i.e. a recently collected one), simply run:

Shear Field Visualization

To visualize the various representations within this library, we have included a simple ShearPlotter which wraps a series of matplotlib functions for easy plotting. Add the following to your code for visualization:

from gelslim_shear.plot_utils.shear_plotter import ShearPlotter
shplot = ShearPlotter(channels=shgen.channels)

To plot a a single shear_field_tensor with each included representation in subplots, run:


We have also enabled animations of shear fields. For example if we want to do a live animation of the shear field:


def update(frame):
  t = #function to get time
  tactile_image = #function to get tactile image in 3 x H x W tensor
  shear_field_tensor = shgen.get_shear_field()
  #do something with shear_field_tensor
  shplot.update_shear_info(frame, [shear_field_tensor])
  return shplot.plots

t = #function to get time
tactile_image = #function to get tactile image in 3 x H x W tensor
shear_field_tensor = shgen.get_shear_field()
shplot = ShearPlotter(channels=shgen.channels)
shplot.animate_shear_info([shear_field_tensor], update)

The reason for shear_field_tensor being placed in a list is we allow for the plotting of multiple fingers simultaneously, by adding shplot = ShearPlotter(num_fingers=2) for example to the intialization of the plotter. Then you may have two ShearGenerator defined as shgen1 and shgen2, you can define shear_field_tensors=[shgen1.get_shear_field(), shgen2.get_shear_field()].This coupled with the above code and channels=['u','v','div','du','dv] will produce a live animation of both fingers as follows:

GIF of Live Shear Animation

ShearPlotter also has more initialization arguments:

  • colors: List of colors to plot each vector field representation, for example: colors=['blue','green','magenta']
  • cmaps: List of diverging colormaps to plot each scalar field (div or curl) representation, for example: cmaps=['seismic','PuOr']
  • titles: List of titles of each representation subplot, for example: titles = ['Shear Field', 'Time Differential', 'Divergence']
  • base_figsize: Tuple of horizontal, vertical size of each subplot
  • scale: Scale passed to matplotlib.pyplot.quiver for vector field plots, controls the size of the arrows
  • max_scalar_magnitude: Maximum magnitude for visualizing the scalar fields, this can also be adaptively adjusted based on the data by passing a changing value to shplot.max_scalar_magnitude.
  • ch_dim: Dimension along which the channels are stacked, it's best to keep this at the default chdim=0

For more simple plotting, if you wish to plot a single vector or scalar field, you can import these functions:

from gelslim_shear.plot_utils.shear_plotter import plot_vector_field, plot_scalar_field, get_channel
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Example usage of these functions:

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,2)
shear_field_tensor = shgen.get_shear_field()
vf = get_channel(shear_field_tensor, [shgen.channels.index('u'), shgen.channels.index('v')])
sf = get_channel(shear_field_tensor, shgen.channels.index('div'))
plot_vector_field(ax[0], vf, title='Shear Field')
plot_scalar_field(ax[1], sf, title='Divergence', cmap='PuOr')

The Result:

Plot Test