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Lunaa edited this page Feb 17, 2022 · 2 revisions


<./General Commands>

  • help | Displays all commands. | ".help"
  • fun | Displays all fun commands. | ".fun"
  • moderation | Displays all moderation commands. | ".moderation"
  • tools | Displays all tool commands. | ".tools"
  • misc | Displays all misc commands. | ".misc"
  • credits | Displays the credit menu. | ".credits"

<./Fun Commands>

SWF Version

  • IQ | Displays a users IQ. | ".iq @user"
  • Rate | Shows a users attractiveness. | ".rate @user"
  • LoveCalc | Displays love between users. | ".lovecalc @user @user"
  • Kiss | Kiss a user. | ".kiss @user"
  • Hug | Hug a user. | ".hug @user"
  • Slap | Slap a user. | ".slap @user"
  • Feed | Feed a user food. | ".feed @user"
  • Pet | Pet a user like they your dog. | ".pet @user"
  • Gay | See how gay a user is. | ".gay @user"

NSFW Version

  • Penis | Displays a users penis size. | ".penis @user"
  • Fuck | Fuck a user from the back. | ".fuck @user"

<./Moderation Commands>

  • Ban | Ban a member. | ".ban @user (limit) (reason)"
  • Case | Show a single moderation case. | ".case [case number]"
  • Clean | Cleanup the bot responses. | ".clean (count)"
  • clearnotes | Cleans amount of notes. | ".clearnotes @user"
  • Deafen | Deafen a member. | ".deafen @user (reason)"
  • Delnote | Delete a single note about a member. | ".delnote @user [note ID]"
  • Diagnose | Diagnose any command or module in the bot to determine if there are any problems. | "diagnose [command or module]"
  • Duration | Change the duration of a timed punishment. | "duration [modlog ID] [new limit]"
  • Editnote | Edit a note about a member. | ".editnote @user [note ID] [note]"
  • Ignored | List ignored channels, roles and users. | "ignored"
  • Kick | Kick a member. | ".kick @user (reason)"
  • Lock | Lock a channel. | ".lock [channel] (limit) (reason)"
  • Lockdown | Lock a channel | ".lockdown (optional message))"
  • Members | List members in a role or roles. | ".members [role]"
  • Moderations | Get a list of active timed moderations and remaining time. | ".moderations"
  • Modlogs | Get a list of moderation logs for a user. | ".modlogs @user"
  • Modstats | Get moderation statistics for a mod/admin (may take up to 30 minutes to update). | ".modstats @user"
  • Mute | Mute a member so they cannot type. | ".mute @user (limit) (reason)"
  • Note | Add a note about a member. | ".note @user [note]"
  • Notes | Get notes for a user. | ".notes @user"
  • Reason | Supply a reason for a moderation log case. | ".reason [case number] [reason]"
  • Rolepersist | Assign/unassign a role that persists if the user leaves and rejoins. | ".rolepersist @user [role], (reason)"
  • Softban | Softban a member (ban and immediately unban to delete their messages). | ".softban @user (reason)"
  • Star | View Starboard stats for a message. | ".star [message ID/link]"
  • Temprole | Assign/unassign a role for a limited time that persists if the user leaves and rejoins. | ".temprole @user [time] [role], (reason)"
  • Unban | Unban a member. | ".unban @user (reason)"
  • Undeafen | Undeafen a member. | ".undeafen @user (reason)"
  • Unlock | Unlock a channel. | ".unlock [channel]"
  • Unmute | Unmute a member. | ".unmute @user (reason)"
  • Warn | Warn a member. | .warn @user (reason)
  • Warninglogs | Get warnings for a user. | warnings @user

<./Tool Commands>

  • afk | Set an AFK status to display when you are mentioned. | ".afk (status)"
  • avatar | Get the avatar of yourself or another user. | ".avatar @user"
  • botlist | Gets the Carbonitex bot list ordered by server counts. | ".botlist (page)"
  • color | Show a color using the hex code. | ".color [hex code]"
  • discrim | Gets a list of users matching a discriminator. | ".discrim (discriminator)"
  • distance | Get the distance between two sets of coordinates. | ".distance [coords] [coords]"
  • emotes | Get a list of server emojis. | ".emotes (search)"
  • inviteinfo | Get information about a Discord invite. | ".inviteinfo [invite code]"
  • membercount | Get the membercount of the current server. | ".membercount"
  • randomcolor | Generates a random hex color with a preview. | ".randomcolor"
  • remindme | Set a reminder. | ".remindme [time] [reminder]"
  • roll | Roll a dice. | ".roll (size) [number of dice]"
  • rps | Play rock, papers, scissors with the bot. | ".rps [choice]"
  • serverinfo | Get information about the current server. | ".serverinfo"
  • whois | Get information about a user. | ".whois @user"

<./Misc Commands>

  • None

<./Credit Commands>

  • Credits | Shows Bot Credits | ".credits"
  • Lunaa | Shows The Creators Info | ".lunaa"