Personal dotfiles for Arch Linux.
Includes Hyprland, AstroNvim and zsh configs.
Some packages are only available in the AUR.
If you don't use Arch Linux, search for these packages in your distro repos or compile from source.
python rustup
hyprland xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland agsv1 swaylock-effects libnotify swww swayidle floorp ttf-ubuntu-mono-nerd
zsh zsh-autosuggestions zsh-syntax-highlighting zsh-completions zsh-theme-powerlevel10k fzf zoxide bat kitty fd
neovim clipse matugen imagemagick esbuild dart-sass pamixer grimblast-git gammastep btop pfetch-rs cava polkit-gnome pavucontrol imv gnome-bluetooth-3.0 blueman brightnessctl nm-connection-editor
flatpak flatseal nwg-look firewalld rnote kdenlive qbittorrent accountsservice gnome-disk-utility libreoffice bottles obsidian kooha mpv krita nautilus inotify-tools
Aylur for it's amazing dotfiles and for making ags