Add support for transferred messages (de35a40 , resolves #15 )
Implemented observation type for attendance (#18 )
Add homepage and partnerURL fetch (9fb6a28 , f25fe7e , 495d970 )
Implement ARD partner and wallet fetching (from PRONOTE) : #29
Full implementation for drafts in discussions : #30 (resolves #12 and #13 )
Add support to move a discussion to trash, recover from trash and delete permanently : #28
Refactor lessons->classes (1047ff7 )
Full reimplementation of timetable parsing : fa8811e , ec9e01a , e326017 , 5cf5d6a
Configurable parser (with default behavior) to match exactly PRONOTE outputs
Implementation of activities (and not only lessons)
Implement native interval fetching for timetable (deprecated weekNumber method, for now) : ab7ef21
Implement getFrequencyForWeek
method (08eff85 ) to know in which frequency we're currently are for a given week
Implement deletion of news : #25
Implement personal
types on timetable : #24
Implement file uploads and add an adapter for homeworks : #22
Needs a correct FormData implementation in the fetcher body !
Implement maxHomeworkFileUploadSize
in authorizations (cb7cdd8 )
Better generative IDs handling (ca0deef )
Bugfix concerning grades when average for student and outOf
are not given (c478960 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.