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EKS pulumi (Python+Scrapy+celary)

Utilising Pulumi to create a EKS insfra structure in a minute and deploy a scraping project that uses distributed message queue.


Library/Technology Purpose
Pulumi Infrastructure as code tool for defining, deploying, and managing cloud infrastructure using familiar programming languages.
pulumi-awsx Higher-level abstraction for working with AWS infrastructure resources in Pulumi, simplifying the process of defining and managing AWS resources.
pulumi-eks Abstractions for working with Amazon EKS clusters in Pulumi, simplifying the deployment and management of Kubernetes clusters on AWS.
Celery Managing concurrent requests efficiently for web scraping.
Docker Containerization of the Scrapy project for portability and ease of deployment.
Kubernetes Orchestration platform for deploying and managing containerized applications.
psycopg2-binary Optional: PostgreSQL adapter for interacting with PostgreSQL databases if storing scraped data.
python-dotenv Loading environment variables for managing configuration settings securely.
Scrapy Web scraping framework for extracting data from IMDb's Top 50 movies list.
SQLAlchemy Optional: ORM library for interacting with relational databases if storing scraped data.
AWS EKS Kubernetes service on AWS for deploying the Dockerized Scrapy scraper with scalability and reliability.
AWS Secrets Manager Securely handling sensitive configurations like API keys or database credentials.
Github Actions Manage CI CD and automatic deployment on main branch


1. Setup Infrastucture

1.1 pulumi setup

cd resources/iaac 

if venv is not yet generated

python -m venv venv

Active venv

source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

1.2 Setup aws

Get you secret acesss key from AWS IAM. then setup you creds into cli. CLI setup instruction.

aws configure

**1.3 Spin up pulumi*
pulumi up

1.4 Spin down

pulumi down

2. Scraper Project instruction

Pre requsite: Postgres, redis.


cd /scaper
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/active

2.1 Scraper Project

Crawls through imdb top 250 website visit each pages and sends datas to queue.

scrapy crawl imdb

2.2 Worker Project

Recieved datas from the scraper and upset them into database.

celery -A scraper worker --loglevel=info