This web application for desktops has multiple audio files that can be used to study.
I wanted to save some of my favorite study music locally, as well as create a hub for it so that I can easily access my favorite tracks as well as not worry about them being taken down.
- The mp3 files can be pretty heavy, but i'm sure you can see why having them would be important.
- Best advice I could give you would be to clone this and then simply open the index.html file locally, I am looking into web hosting for the future.
- Click the play button on whichever track you want.
- Shuffle button will shuffle which track is clicked and play it.
- Clicking title of track will restart the track clicked.
🔑 ListenToAJ
- 0.1
- Initial Release
- 0.2
- Added new Pokemon track
- Added feature to reset track time by clicking title
- Changed CSS to allow extra tracks to be added
Copyright 2024 Anthony Simao