This is an example how similar is to work with Redux and Elixir/OTP GenServers.
This code was used in the demo of a talk in AgentConf'18
Blog post:
Don't use this code as it is as base for anything serious, please. I have cut all the corners while developing this to showcase an idea. There is no lobby, no player negotiation, or anything like that, and for simplicity there is a GenServer that will listen to every websocket connection. There are examples like that are closer to a real project.
Clone the repo:
git clone
cd into the project and then get the client dependencies:
yarn install
npm i
get the server dependencies:
cd server
mix deps.get
(note that you need to have Elixir installed).
run the server:
mix phx.server
And then in another terminal run the client application:
npm run start
You should be able to see the app live at http://localhost:3000/