Gallery system based on the cource "PHP OOP: Object Oriented Programming for beginners + Project" Cource can be found here.
- The purpose of the project is for developer to master PHP OOP.
- PHP - version 7.*
- Bootstrap - version 3.3.2
- Jquery - version 1.11.1
- Summernote, WYSIWYG Editor on Bootstrap - Summernote
- Google API Chart - Pie Chart
- Dropzone, Drag and drop JavaScript libraries - v5
- Install PHP 7.*
- Used development environment XAMPP
- php.ini configurations:
file_uploads=True, 1, or On
max_input_time=-1 or -no limit
max_execution_time=30 seconds
- Permissions on upload directory for files
gallery/admin/images : Read & Write
Project is: finished
Created by @Lilyana Vankova - feel free to contact me!