The SkinSystem; developed for cracked Minecraft servers, allowing for changes of player skins to something more custom.
Installation view / SkinUploader view / Authen view (when you use this system with Authme)
- SkinsRestorer
- AuthMe (Optional)
- WebServer
- Database
❕ If you use Ubuntu 18.04+, you may run this command to automagically install apache+mysql+git+curl, set apache2 webpage, and generate MySQL credentials:
sudo bash -c "apt-get update && apt-get install curl -y && curl -s | bash -s"
- Install MySQL
- Install and configure a webserver that supports php, php-curl, php-mysql, and php-gd. (apache2 may be used)
- Make sure your webserver is accessible.
- Create databases
. Commands - Download the latest release version from here!
- Put all of
The SkinSystem
into your web-root directory.
IMPORTANT Enable Database in your AuthMe configuration. (Optional)
IMPORTANT Enable Database in your SkinsRestorer configuration. Example configuration:
Enabled: true
Host: localhost
Port: 3306
Database: skinsrestorer
SkinTable: Skins
PlayerTable: Players
Username: root
Password: ''
If you don't have a database password, You should fill ''
into Password
- Load The SkinSystem from your webserver. You should be shown an installation page looking something like this:
( Light theme / Dark theme )
- Select config.yml for SkinsRestorer(and AuthMe), making sure database is enabled and working.
- Now have fun with changing your skin! Have a good time. 😃
- IMPORTANT You can change the configuration later at
- You can use this template for making config file manually.
@VectierThailand | @lion328 | @aljaxus | @SkinsRestorer | @InventivetalentDev | @ITZVGcGPmO |
If The SkinSystem makes your life better, you can give me a pack of candy :)
or leave your thumbs up on Our team Facebook 👍
Our SkinSystem is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.