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How to use BIL commandline

Justin Littman edited this page Jul 29, 2014 · 1 revision

How to use BIL Commandline

Getting general help and listing available options

justin@lawrencium$ ./bag --help
Usage: bag <operation> [operation arguments] [--help]
                Valid operations are: baginplace, bob, checkpayloadoxum, create, fillholey, generatepayloadoxum, makecomplete, makeholey, retrieve, sword, update, updatetagmanifests, verifycomplete, verifypayloadmanifests, verifytagmanifests and verifyvalid.
                Operation explanations: 
                        baginplace: Creates a bag-in-place.  The source must be a directory on a filesystem and may already have a data directory.
                        bob: Sends a bag using BOB.
                        checkpayloadoxum: Generates Payload-Oxum and checks against Payload-Oxum in bag-info.txt.
                        create: Creates a bag from supplied files/directories, completes the bag, and then writes in a specified format.
                        fillholey: Retrieves any missing pieces of a local bag specified in the fetch.txt.
                        generatepayloadoxum: Generates and returns the Payload-Oxum for the bag.
                        makecomplete: Completes a bag and then writes in a specified format.  Completing a bag fills in any missing parts.
                        makeholey: Generates a fetch.txt and then writes bag in a specified format.
                        retrieve: Retrieves a bag exposed by a web server. A local holey bag is not required.
                        sword: Sends a bag using SWORD.
                        update: Updates the manifests and (if it exists) the bag-info.txt for a bag.
                        updatetagmanifests: Updates the tag manifests for a bag.  The bag must be unserialized.
                        verifycomplete: Verifies the completeness of a bag.
                        verifypayloadmanifests: Verifies the checksums in all payload manifests.
                        verifytagmanifests: Verifies the checksums in all tag manifests.
                        verifyvalid: Verifies the validity of a bag.
                Prints usage message for the operation.
        bag verifyvalid --help
                Prints help for the verifyvalid operation.

Getting help on a specific operation

justin@lawrencium$ ./bag verifyvalid --help
Usage: bag verifyvalid <source> [--version <version>] [--missingbagittolerant] [--additionaldirectorytolerant] [--help]
Operation explanation:
        Verifies the validity of a bag.
Operation parameters:
        The location of the source bag.

  [--version <version>]
        The version used to check the bag. Valid values are 0.93 and 0.94 and
        0.95 and 0.96. Default is to discover from the bag-it.txt or latest

        Tolerant of a missing bag-it.txt.

        Tolerant of additional directories in the bag_dir.

        Prints help.

        bag verifyvalid /bags/mybag
Returning success.

Executing an operation

justin@lawrencium$ ./bag verifyvalid ~/tmp/bag
Performing operation: verifyvalid
Result is true. 
Operation completed.
Returning success.