WIP: Transaction Detail Insert statements are in the process of being revised due to recent updates in Schema Design. Latest version can be found in steps < load_to_msg_tables < load_transaction_detail_msg_claim_delegate_rewards.ipynb
List of transaction types, and test block numbers for each transaction can be found in Transaction_Type_Test_Blocks.xlsx
To create a system that can extract JSON files, translate the encrypted transactions, and upload that information into a database that will act as a distributed ledger.
d. Move Decrypted data and hash to a new json file, named {block#}.json and send to new directory(Decrypted_files)
Go to Extract.py,input a test block number for claims delegations (can be found in transaction excel file), run script, json file will be sent to temp directory
Go to translate.py, input test block number,run script, hash will be generated and json file will be decoded, and the data will be sent to the decrypted file directory
Go to load_to_block_table.py , input test block number, run script, data will be loaded to block table
Go to load_to_transaction_header.py, input test block number, run script, data will be loaded to transaction header table
Go to load_msg directory, find load_to_msg_claims_delegations, input block number, run script, data will be loaded to transaction_detail_msg_claims_delegations_table
Each transaction detail table will contain one message type and provide more in-depth data about what occurred in its related messages.
b. https://github.com/White-Whale-Defi-Platform/migaloo-chain.git