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Portfolio Template

A customizable and reusable portfolio template built with Next

🎉 Features

  • SEO-Optimized: Set your meta title and description for easy discoverability
  • Dynamic Projects: Showcase highlighted and non-highlighted projects
  • Personalized Links: Add your social links to platforms like Twitter, GitHub, LinkedIn, and more
  • Theming Options: Easily change colors, themes, and modes

🚀 Getting Started

  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone
    cd portfolio
  2. Install Dependencies:

    npm install
  3. Configure Your Portfolio:

    Open config.ts and customize it with your details:

    import { Config } from "./types";
    export const config: Config = {
      metaTitle: "Your Name - Your Job Title",
      metaDescription: "A brief intro about yourself.",
      announcement: "🎉 Exciting update announcement!",
      avatar: "",
      name: "Your Name",
      username: "yourusername",
      job: "Your Job Title",
      company: "Your Company",
      description: "A bit about what you do.",
      links: [
        { name: "Twitter", url: "" },
        { name: "GitHub", url: "" },
        { name: "LinkedIn", url: "" }
      projects: [
          name: "Project One",
          description: "Brief description of your project.",
          url: "",
          image: "",
          highlighted: true,
      color: "#0EA5E9",
      theme: "slate",
      mode: "dark",

🛠️ Configuration Options

Field Type Description
metaTitle string Title for SEO.
metaDescription string Meta description for SEO.
announcement string Announcement banner text.
avatar string URL to your profile image.
name string Your name as you want it displayed.
username string Your handle or username.
job string Job title or role.
company string Company or organization name.
description string Short description about yourself.
links array Array of social link objects (name, url).
projects array Array of project objects (name, description, url, image).
color string Accent color in HEX format.
theme string Tailwind theme name (slate, neutral, etc.).
mode string Display mode (dark or light).