- Create, Read, Update, Delete, items from a database via UI/API
- Install Java 7+
- Install Apache Tomcat web server locally
Database configuration: app will be connect to a hosted MYSQL database on Google Cloud SQL.
How to run tests:
- Gradle script executes tests by default when building project
- Manually: Go to src/test/java * Right click > run all tests | or execute a single unit test
Deployment instructions:
- Drop .war file in your local Tomcat's /webapps directory.
- ex: C:/apache-tomcat-7.0.63/webapps/java_spring_crud_app_1_0.war
- Start Tomcat server, visit localhost:8080/war_file_name/ to view app
- Drop .war file in your local Tomcat's /webapps directory.
Repo owner or admin: Leon Knights