Codeigniter Service Provider for Lenius\Basket
To use, simply install the package via Composer and then copy the following file to your application/libraries folder:
You should then be good to go and be able to access the basket using the following static interface:
//Format array of required info for item to be added to basket...
$items = array(
'id' => 1,
'name' => 'Dog',
'price' => 120.00,
'quantity' => 1,
'weight' => 200
//Make the insert...
//Let's see what we have got in their...
Another key you can pass to your insert method is 'tax'. This is a percentage which you would like to be added onto the price of the item.
In the below example we will use 25% for the tax rate.
'id' => 'mouseid',
'name' => 'Mouse',
'price' => 100,
'quantity' => 1,
'tax' => 25,
'weight' => 200
You can update items in your Basket by updating any property on a Basket item. For example, if you were within a Basket loop then you can update a specific item using the below example.
foreach (Basket::contents() as $item) {
$item->name = 'Foo';
$item->quantity = 1;
You can remove any items in your Basket by using the remove()
method on any Basket item.
foreach (Basket::contents() as $item) {
You can completely empty/destroy the Basket by using the destroy()
You can loop the Basket contents by using the following method
You can also return the Basket items as an array by passing true as the first argument
By default this method will return all items in the Basket as well as their quantities. You can pass true
as the first argument to get all unique items.
By default the total()
method will return the total value of the Basket as a float
, this will include
any item taxes. If you want to retrieve the Basket total without tax then you can do so by passing false to the
There are several features of the Basket items that may also help when integrating your Basket.
You can retrieve the total value of a specific Basket item (including quantities) using the following method.
By default, this method will return the total value of the item plus tax. So if you had a product which costs 100, with a quantity of 2 and a tax rate of 20% then the total returned by this method would be 240.
You can also get the total minus tax by passing false to the total()
This would return 200.
You can check if a Basket item has options by using the hasOptions()
if ($item->hasOptions()) {
// We have options