This repo shows a very simple use case of the uncertainty-DTW (uDTW).
The implementation is based on pytorch implementation of soft-DTW (sDTW).
Note that we have solved the issues of using the bandwitdh argument in pytorch version of sDTW for specifying the Sakoe-Chiba bandwidth for pruning (code attached as
The environment file has been provided in this repo namely as myenv.yml
. Follow the steps below for the environment setup:
create the environment from the provided yml file:
conda env create -f myenv.yml
activate the new environment:
conda activate myenv
A sample code has been provided in
. Simply type python3
in command to run the example codes. Here's a quick example:
# create the sequences
batch_size, len_x, len_y, dims = 4, 6, 9, 10
# sequence x & y
if torch.cuda.is_available():
x = torch.rand((batch_size, len_x, dims)).cuda()
y = torch.rand((batch_size, len_y, dims)).cuda()
x = torch.rand((batch_size, len_x, dims))
y = torch.rand((batch_size, len_y, dims))
# define parameters for scaled sigmoid function
a = 1.5
b = 0.5
# a very simple network
sigmanet = SimpleSigmaNet()
if torch.cuda.is_available():
# create the criterion object
if torch.cuda.is_available():
udtw = uDTW(use_cuda=True, gamma=0.01, normalize=True)
udtw = uDTW(use_cuda=False, gamma=0.01, normalize=True)
# set optimizer
optimizer = optim.SGD(sigmanet.parameters(), lr=0.5, momentum=0.9)
for epoch in range(10):
sigma_x = sigmanet(x, a, b)
sigma_y = sigmanet(y, a, b)
# Compute the loss value
loss_d, loss_s = udtw(x, y, sigma_x, sigma_y, beta = 1)
loss = (loss_d.mean() + loss_s.mean()) / (len_x * len_y)
print('epoch ', epoch, ' | loss: ', '{:.10f}'.format(loss.item()))
# aggregate and call backward()
A simple code has been provided for comparisons between sDTW and uDTW, simply type python3
in command and run (note that you need to activate the myenv conda environment first).
Random seed has been setup for you to reproducing (results shown below). Please ignore the NumbaPerformanceWarning when running on GPU with CUDA.
epoch 0 | loss: 0.0022070494
epoch 1 | loss: 0.0021751155
epoch 2 | loss: 0.0021154413
epoch 3 | loss: 0.0020303086
epoch 4 | loss: 0.0019259036
epoch 5 | loss: 0.0018087073
epoch 6 | loss: 0.0016828900
epoch 7 | loss: 0.0015527449
epoch 8 | loss: 0.0014224321
epoch 9 | loss: 0.0013002274
epoch 0 | loss: 0.0022070487
epoch 1 | loss: 0.0021751146
epoch 2 | loss: 0.0021154408
epoch 3 | loss: 0.0020303084
epoch 4 | loss: 0.0019259042
epoch 5 | loss: 0.0018087067
epoch 6 | loss: 0.0016828905
epoch 7 | loss: 0.0015527471
epoch 8 | loss: 0.0014224334
epoch 9 | loss: 0.0013002268
Note that you should get very close/similar results between GPU and CPU (< 1e-8 differences).
You can cite the following paper for the use of our uDTW:
author={Lei Wang and Piotr Koniusz},
journal={European Conference on Computer Vision},
title={Uncertainty-DTW for Time Series and Sequences},