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Morgan Grant edited this page May 21, 2020 · 1 revision


General Bimatrix

The General Bimatrix is a re-implementation of the experiment used in "A Continuous Dilemma", written in oTree using otree-redwood. The experiment presents participants with a bimatrix game and lets them select a mixed strategy. Their strategy is combined with that of a counterpart to calculate a payoff. The continuous time implementation uses websockets to distribute a players strategy to their counterpart on the order of 100 milliseconds. This enables players to respond to strategy changes in real time, possibly dozens of times over the course of a 2-3 minute period.

Stochastic Bimatrix

Stochastic Bimatrix is similar to Continuous Bimatrix, but with a twist. The bimatrix game being played can switch between 2 matrices over the course of a 2-3 minute period. Switching is controlled with a stochastic variable set by the oTree server and varies based on the players current strategy. Regarding otree-redwood, this shows off the ability of the oTree server to respond to websocket events, as opposed to just simply rebroadcasting them to the group.

Imperfect Monitoring

Imperfect Monitoring is another bimatrix game with a twist. First, participants can only choose a pure strategy from the 2 alternatives. Second, players are "locked in" to their strategy choice for a short period of time, on the order of 5-10 seconds. This shows off more of the ability to send websocket events and drive complex behavior using some features of the otree-redwood library.

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