Experimental OCaml bindings for TensorFlow Eager execution.
These bindings are pretty much out of date. Some bindings for PyTorch can be found in the ocaml-torch repo.
When using TensorFlow Eager execution, operations are executed immediately in the same way as PyTorch. The computation graph is dynamic.
A very simple example performing an addition using TensorFlow can be seen below:
module O = Tf_ops.Ops
let () =
let twenty_one = O.f32 21. in
let forty_two = O.(twenty_one + twenty_one) in
O.print forty_two
In this example, we show how to build a linear classifier for the MNIST dataset. This requires you to download the MNIST data files.
Gradients are computed using Gradients.compute
. This function returns the
gradients with respect to watched tensors. In order to watch a variable use
as in the example below.
Once the gradients have been computed, Gradients.apply_sgd_step
is used
to update the variables via a gradient descent step.
open Base
open Tf_ops
module O = Ops
(* This should reach ~92% accuracy. *)
let image_dim = Helper.image_dim
let label_count = Helper.label_count
let training_steps = 500
let batch_size = 512
let () =
let mnist_dataset = Helper.read_files "data" in
let test_images = Helper.test_images mnist_dataset in
let test_labels = Helper.test_labels mnist_dataset in
(* Create the variables for the linear model. *)
let w = Var.f32 [ image_dim; label_count ] 0. in
let b = Var.f32 [ label_count ] 0. in
(* Build the model. [read_and_watch] returns the current value of a variable
and ensures that gradients wrt this variable will be computed. *)
let model xs =
let w_read = Var.read_and_watch w in
let b_read = Var.read_and_watch b in
O.(xs *^ w_read + b_read) |> O.softmax
for step_index = 1 to training_steps do
(*Every so often, print the accuracy on the test dataset. *)
if step_index % 50 = 0 then begin
let accuracy =
O.(equal (arg_max (model test_images)) (arg_max test_labels))
|> O.cast ~type_dstT:Float
|> O.reduce_mean
|> O.to_float
Stdio.printf "step index %d, accuracy %.2f%%\n%!" step_index (100. *. accuracy)
(* Get a training batch, apply the model and compute the loss. *)
let train_images, train_labels =
Helper.train_batch mnist_dataset ~batch_size ~batch_idx:step_index
let ys = model train_images in
let cross_entropy = O.cross_entropy ~ys:train_labels ~y_hats:ys `mean in
(* Compute the loss gradients and apply gradient descent to minimize it. *)
let gradients = Tf_ops.Gradients.compute cross_entropy in
Tf_ops.Gradients.apply_sgd_step gradients ~learning_rate:8.
In order to build this on linux, download the TensorFlow 1.7.0 binaries. If this is unpacked at TFPATH
compiling can be done via:
For the VGG-19 example, the weights are available here.