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in partnership with
German Federal State Hesse
German Federal State Saarland
German Federal State Rhineland-Palatinate
City of Landau in the Rhine Palatinate area
Municipal Data Center Lemgo
Agricultural Chamber of German Federal State Rhineland-Palatinate


A complete SDI-Suite for the management of OWS (WMS / WFS, CSW), metadata (iso19139), users, organizations, and licences. It comes with OWS-security-proxy, CKAN-Interface, map viewers, WMC and KML handling and the possbility to generate persistent URIs for all resources.

This repo will be used to develop a new FOSS SDI framework based on django. The blueprint for this framework is the former OSGEO project mapbender2. All over the world, there are many older mapbender installations online. The code of mapbender2 is hosted at (old code: and will be maintained till all relevant modules are re-implemented with django. The old documentation is available at .

Serverside catalogue interface documentation:

ISO Metadata (for datasets and services) is build by cronjob in predefined folder. To publish this metadata a CSW interface have to be set up. Maybe geonetwork or pycsw are good candidates. Metadata and capabilities complies to the EU INSPIRE-Directive.

The development will be done using recent debian os with postgis as rdbms.

Existing mapbender2 installations with a great amount of resources and users:

Get Started

Example Websites



  • Debian 11 with working internet connection.


  • Download with:
wget --no-check-certificate
  • Fill out the variables at the start of the script.

  • Execute with:

bash install.bash


  • Change your install path and geoportal url at the beginning of the script.

  • Execute with:

bash /data/GeoPortal.rlp/resources/maintenance/update.bash

You can create a file called custom_files.txt in the $installation_directory.  
Files mentioned in this document are saved before update and restored afterwards.  
You need to specify the full path, one file each line!  

cat /data/custom_files.txt


  • This will delete everything and drops the mysql and psql databases.

  • Execute with:

bash /data/GeoPortal.rlp/resources/maintenance/delete.bash


bash /data/GeoPortal.rlp/resources/maintenance/backup.bash

default credentials:
mysql -> root:root
wiki -> geowiki:geoportal;root:root
postgres -> postgres:
phppgadmin -> postgresadmin:postgresadmin_password
django-admin -> root:root

Things that need to be done after installation:

If everything goes fine, you dont have to do anything else on the command line than executing the script. Upon successful installation the system should be ready to use, to verify that, point your browser at the IP or Hostname of your GeoPortal instance. If you dont see the Geoportal design, something might have gone wrong, in this case write an issue or go to the debugging section.

The navigation is located on the left side and its items come from the database. To change the content in the navigation bar, you go to http://IP-ADDRESS/admin, which is the django admin interface. Now login with the default credentials root:root and change them. To do so, you click on Users and select the root user as its the only entry. The Password field refers to a form where you can change your password.

Now you can alter the content of the navigation bar to your needs, it can be found in the table Navigations. After opening the table you should arrage the listing by position ascending, as this is the order they will be seen on the web interface. There are parent and child items. Parent items have a empty URL and parent field.

Fields of the navigation table:

  • POSITION -> Order in the navigation bar, use
  • NAME -> Name that will be displayed in the navigation bar.
  • PAGE_IDENTIFIER -> internal string, use NAME without upper chars and spaces
  • URL -> Only for child items, dont change the "wiki" entry as it points to your mediawiki * use /article/NAME to create an item with NAME that refers to the mediawiki page, if you create the corresponding page in the mediawiki itself, it will be rendered transparently into the webinterface. One example is the "Meldungen" article.
  • ICON_NAME -> Only for parent items, the icon you see in the navigation bar
  • PARENT -> Only needed for child items, see examples

At this point the mapbender database contains three users which are: root:root; -> superdamin, can do everything bereichsadmin1:bereichsadmin1; -> subadmin, can register&publish services guest:AUTOMATIC_SESSION -> guest session, mostly for just viewing

When your content and navigation is ready you can go ahead and start registering services. To do so, login as root or bereichsadmin1 and again, change password first. After successful login and password change you can click on the little grid sign on the right to open the default gui, which is the mapviewer. Configuration of Mapbender and registration of services can be found in other guis. To change the gui, click on the sign with the grid and the arrow pointing upwards. Here you can select Administration_DE for service management (WMS, WFS, WMC, Metadata) and PortalAdmin_DE for user, group, role, category management and some maintenance functions. Documentation on Mapbender is currently only available in German and is located on the wiki

Debugging - Places to look

  • /var/log/apache2/error.log -> Apache and Django errors
  • /data(default)/mapbender/log/mb_err_log_* -> Mapbender specific errors
Important files and variables
  • /data(default)/mapbender/conf/mapbender.conf
define("HOSTNAME_WHITELIST","xxx"); # Where `xxx` is your servers IP address.

# HOSTs not for Proxy (curl)
define("NOT_PROXY_HOSTS", "localhost,,$HOSTNAME");

# database information
define("DBSERVER", "localhost");
define("PORT", "5432");
define("DB", "mapbender");
define("OWNER", "mapbenderdbuser");
define("PW", "mapbenderdbpassword");
  • /data(default)/GeoPortal.rlp/Geoportal/
HTTP_OR_SSL = "http://"

# Database
    'default': {
        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2',
        'OPTIONS' : {
                    'options': '-c search_path=django,mapbender,public'

# email setting
EMAIL_BACKEND = 'django.core.mail.backends.smtp.EmailBackend'
EMAIL_USE_TLS = False / True
EMAIL_HOST_USER = '[email protected]'
EMAIL_PORT = 25 / 456 / 587
ROOT_EMAIL_ADDRESS = "root@debian"


Always remember: always change the images, scripts or style sheets which are located in the subfolders of the project such as useroperations. All of these so called static files will be automatically copied into static folder when the command

python collectstatic

is called.


Surely you are not interested in using the default colours or images. All colours can be found in useroperations/static/useroperations/css/color_schema.css You will find e.g. primary_color and secondary_color as well as their related colors xyz_hover, xyz_light and so on. Changing these colours will affect the whole web app since all usages of colours are referenced onto these settings. For the best user expierence you may take a look on which provides rich information about harmonizing and related or complementary colours of your choice.


All organization related images can be found in useroperations/static/useroperations/images/ and have the prefix logo-. Simply changing these (while keeping the same name) will directly change the appearance on the pages. All other images that have the prefix icn_ are used as icons and can be changed the same way.


For information about the licensing of the software read the current version of the LICENSE file included in the project.



We use the fantastic free Fontawesome icons for our open source project.