Polymer 1.0 JSON Schema form builder
This repository provides elements that take in a JSON schema and generates a DOM tree of inputs linked to the object described by the schema.
See the component page for more information.
- Being able to set an initial value (eg, providing an instance of the schema for modification) - currently only supports new instances
- Create an element that provides a single entry point, so there is no need to choose between
- Specifying which fields to show
Including eco-json-schema-wizard.html the first level objects will be treated as wizard pages, with a Next and Previous buttons
- multipleOf
- maximum
- exclusiveMaximum
- minimum
- exclusiveMinimum
- maxLength
- minLength
- pattern
- items - object
- items - array
- additionalItems - boolean
- additionalItems - object
- maxItems
- minItems
- uniqueItems
- maxProperties
- minProperties
- required
- additionalProperties - boolean
- additionalProperties - object
- properties
- patternProperties
- dependencies, value is an object
- dependencies, value is an array
- enum - number / integer
- enum - string
- enum - array
- enum - object
- allOf
- anyOf
- oneOf
- not
- definitions
- title
- description
- default
- format - date-time
- format - email
- format - hostname
- format - ipv4
- format - ipv6
- format - uri