⛰️ Features
Added compose lit action resource string helper function
Add support on additional parameters in authNeededCallbacks, and a higher level "getPkpSessionSigs" function.
Add helper function to combine bls sigs
Introduce siweMessage creation/authSig crafter helper functions, and fix circular dependencies inside auth-helpers.
Add ResourceAbilityRequestBuilder for Resource Ability Rrequest
generation for Session Signatures
Add getLitActionSessionSigs
function, better interfaces, and add custom test to CI
Add global checks in env loader for defined wasm globals
Remove implicit loading of wasm to connect invocation
Add pkpSessionSigs and litActionSessionSigs tests
Most common least common support for Lit Action responses
Add tests for Solana & Cosmos (cosmos is failing)
so we don't need to go through LIT_CHAINS
Remove AuthValidator for client-side encrypt
Add authSig back to encrypt helper functions
Remove auth for encryption because it's completely client side
Make authNeededCallback
a required parameter, but we need to create a common interface, because GetPkpSessionSigs uses it too
Lit action custom authentication support with Session Signatures
Add litActionIpfsId
to getSessionSigs
Add removeHexPrefix helper
Refactor siwe message creation, (Breaking) renaming SIG_TYPE
, and a util for sanitise
Remove authSig
support on pkpSign
, and executeJs
Remove multiformat package and make into peer dependency
Endpoint /web/signing/signConditionEcdsa
doesn't exist. Removed all related functionalities
Move getExpiration
as helper
Remove fetch polyfill from LItNodeClient
PkpEthers to adapt new getSession change
Remove authMethod from executeJs
Update to use replica over sequencer rpc
Move from SIG_TYPE
for signature type checks
🐛 Bug Fixes
should be optional
Ensure provided provider and signer instances are used
JsParam is optional for getSessionSigs
Add getPkpSessionSigs to LitClientSessionManager
Fixes Signed session key mismatch with the one being signed due to storage provider not found.
Params are not passed to authNeededCallback when resign with session key is needed
is actually the only required param to create the delegation auth sig
Fix not being aware of local network context
Custom auth jsParams should accept any params as key
Move "ipfs-unixfs-importer": "12.0.1",
to dev dependency due to bundling issues in LitNodeCient
Change authId
to authMethodId
and improve interface
AuthContext litNodeClient
PkpEthers to adapt new getSession change
Remove authMethod from executeJs
Remove LIT_BLS
as an option
Browser global undefined see #416 #452
Add tslib
peer dependency, for siwe-recap
package requirments
Remove authSig
requirment from encryption
Let createSiweMessage
default arguments which are not provided.
Move staking event from locked to active
🚜 Refactor
Remove getClaimKeyExecutionShares
and add type for request
Remove getSigningShareForDecryption
and add EncryptionSignRequest
type of request
Remove getSigningShareForToken
and add SigningAccessControlConditionRequest
Remove getSignSessionKeyShares
as it was unused
Remove getLitResourceForEncryption
as it's unused
📚 Documentation
Better jsDoc comments for capacityCredit delegations
Improve getJWTParams
Add JsDocs to checkAndSignAuthMessage
Update comments
Update test commands
Update error message for CID
Update getBytes32FromMultihash
jsDoc comments for devDepedency migration for multiformats
You can’t perform that action at this time.