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Governance Model

Cyril Pernet edited this page Aug 31, 2020 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the Open-Contributions wiki!

LIMO MEEG is both open source and open development. That means that anyone can contribute to the project. The contribution of an individual could be more than just coding, it could be documentation, testing, outreach via social media or ideas.


Beside our GNU-GPL licence, what do we expect? well that if you use the software you cite it, and that if you contribute, you get cited, since citation is the academic money. So as long as you have a 'significant' contribution to something, we are happy to get your name on name on paper we may publish. 'Significant' being defined loosely. For instance fixing a small bug is not, while fixing a whole structure / function making it better, faster, adding features is ; adding a few line in the documentation is not, while writing pages of example is.

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