Currently the backend has to be started from the build folder because its using process.cwd()
if you are changing stuff in the submodule you can use 'git submodule update --init --recursive',Pulling%20with%20submodules,in%20the%20git%20pull%20command%20.
Clone the repo in packages/backend/ and rename it "config" to use the teacrypt-config
Somehow the cross-communication is not happening if you focus the dev-console instead of the teams page. Make sure to click on the teams page if you are debugging.
Yarn install
Yarn start or Yarn build
Go to chrome extensions -> load unzipped files -> choose the 'dist' folder.
Go to teams. Write a message. Hit enter (currently only enter is supported).
There should be an overlay where you can enter a key and a name for a chat (person or group).
Based on this key and the chat name teacrypt will know which messages to de- and encrypt.
Also encrypted messaged should have a prefix to prevent plain messages to be wrongfully decrpyted.
Right click on textbox to activate teacrypt anywhere
12.x and 14.x