Simple triple journal
- npm install
- Edit the file /config/owner.json to suit your own credentials
- Edit the file /config/config.json to suit whether private or public
- Remove all database files in /data to start fresh
- npm start
- visit http://localhost:4000/
To clean the databases, just delete the two files in the /data folder.
On the Journal landing page, there are three methods by which new journal entries are crafted:
- Entering a URL for harvesting
- Entering a text note
- Creating a triple
Past a URL in the box and click Submit. A new page will be presented with the content of the selected URL visible, together with two modes of journal fabrication: a text note and a triple.
This allows for harvesting information from the selected resource.
A text note can be any text desired, including copying and pasting from other sources. This is not (yet) a rich text feature. In any text entered, it is possible to create Wikilinks by surrounding a word or phrase with "[[ ... ]]".
A triple consists of three components to form a statement like something causes something else, which has the form {subject, predicate, object}. Type the subject word or phrase into its box, and do the same for the predicate and the object. In each case, typeahead will help you find the term or predicate. There is an opportunity to add a URL and a comment.
Each Topic, particularly those which are not Relations, may have a graph created by Statements. Viewing a Graph for a topic means clicking the Graph View Button on a Topic View. At this time, some small graphs tend to sit in the upper left corner, and do not center.