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Releases: KnicKnic/WASM-ImageMagick

Higher level apis

28 Nov 08:39
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  • automated npm release
  • jasmine specs that runs in chrome (puppeteer)
  • tslint
  • spec/formatSpec.ts to test all supported formats
  • new low level call() function that resolves with more information: stdout, stderr, exitCode
  • extractInfo() return value typings
  • interactive execution context sample
  • high level apis support for built in images
  • npm test now execute both node and browser tests
  • new call() low level function that resolves with stdout, stderr, exitCode (solves #11)
  • src/list contains enums for "convert list" values - auto-generated using scripts/generateImEnums.ts
  • npm run bundle generate bundle files that can be imported as js estandard modules or UMD - magickApi.js is one of these. uses rollup tool
  • apidocs using typedoc to generate markdown - published in /apidocs and linked in readme - see apidocs
  • getPixelColor
  • dependencies updated (most importantly gulp 4)


18 Nov 05:14
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  • added tests that run in headless browser

  • high level execute() function that:

    • supports array commands syntax ['convert', 'foo.png','bar.png'] and CLI like commands i.e: 'convert foo.png bar.png'
    • supports running several commands serially reusing output images as input images in following commands (see spec/executeSpec.ts)
  • ./src/util/file.ts contains utilities to easy MagickInputFile creation and transformation between input files and output files, blobs, arrays, strings, etc

  • ./src/util/image.ts contains utilities related to images. Right now has compare() and extractInfo() that help me in the tests

Add Clamp flag

22 Sep 06:37
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Prevented trap exceptions when overflows occurred.

Initial Release

14 Jul 06:39
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Contains png, tiff, jpeg support