This plugin disables the e-commerce parts of Sylius.
Basically it disables the routes and updates the admin and frontend templates.
composer require monsieurbiz/sylius-no-commerce-plugin
For the installation without flex, follow these additional steps
Change your config/bundles.php
file to add this line for the plugin declaration:
return [
MonsieurBiz\SyliusNoCommercePlugin\MonsieurBizSyliusNoCommercePlugin::class => ['all' => true],
Then create the config file in config/packages/monsieurbiz_sylius_nocommerce_plugin.yaml
- { resource: "@MonsieurBizSyliusNoCommercePlugin/Resources/config/config.yaml" }
Add some annotations to your src/Entity/Channel/Channel.php
entity to prevent error during Channel saving:
* @ORM\Entity
* @ORM\Table(name="sylius_channel")
+ * @ORM\AssociationOverrides({
+ * @ORM\AssociationOverride(name="baseCurrency",
+ * joinColumns=@ORM\JoinColumn(
+ * name="base_currency_id", referencedColumnName="id", nullable=true
+ * )
+ * )
+ * })
class Channel extends BaseChannel
Use a different trait for your src/Kernel.php
- use MicroKernelTrait;
+ use SyliusNoCommerceKernelTrait;
(don't forget the use MonsieurBiz\SyliusNoCommercePlugin\Kernel\SyliusNoCommerceKernelTrait;
statement or course).
Copy the templates we override:
cp -Rv vendor/monsieurbiz/sylius-no-commerce-plugin/src/Resources/templates/* templates/
Create the new migrations, and run them:
./bin/console doctrine:migrations:diff
./bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
In the config file config/packages/monsieurbiz_sylius_nocommerce_plugin.yaml
, add this lines:
# ...
allow_countries: false
allow_customers: false
allow_zones: false
You can allow different sections by changing the parameters to true
You can open an issue or a Pull Request if you want! 😘
Thank you!