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Releases: Kentico/xperience-algolia


14 Aug 11:10
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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v3.0.0...v5.0.0

v4.0.0 NuGet package - refactor and data splitting

13 Dec 18:30
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This is a large release with many breaking changes. Most notably, it introduces a new data splitting feature, adds partial updating, and updates the Algolia.Search package version.

  • New features/updates
    • Update Algolia.Search to 6.13.0
    • Code refactored for efficiency and readability
    • Add data splitting for large content
    • Add partial updating when modifying existing index content, which reduces the amount of data transferred to Algolia
  • Breaking changes
    • Namespace changed from Kentico.Xperience.AlgoliaSearch to Kentico.Xperience.Algolia
    • Registering indexes with RegisterAlgoliaIndex no longer supported
    • AlgoliaFacetFilterViewModel renamed to AlgoliaFacetFilter
      • Facet localization is now performed via UpdateFacets() parameter
    • AddAlgolia() extension method parameters have changed
    • IAlgoliaConnection removed
    • Algolia API can now be accessed at IAlgoliaClient
    • IAlgoliaIndexRegister removed
      • Indexes are now registered via IndexStore
    • IAlgoliaIndexingService removed
      • GetTreeNodeData() is now in IAlgoliaObjectGenerator
      • ProcessAlgoliaTasks() is now in IAlgoliaClient
    • IAlgoliaRegistrationService removed
      • Indexes are now registered via IndexStore
      • IsNodeAlgoliaIndexed() and IsNodeIndexedByIndex() are now TreeNode extension methods and renamed
      • GetIndexSettings() is now called internally by IAlgoliaIndexService
    • IAlgoliaSearchService removed
      • Facets can be updated via IAlgoliaFacetFilter.UpdateFacets()

v3.0.0 Custom module

13 Dec 18:32
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Updated for v4.0.0 NuGet package

v3.1.0 NuGet Package - IOptions<AlgoliaOptions>

09 Aug 18:19
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This release configures IOptions<AlgoliaOptions> during .NET Core application startup to enable easy settings retrieval in code. For example, to get the ApplicationId and SearchKey for javascript solutions, you can now inject IOptions<AlgoliaOptions> into views:

@using Microsoft.Extensions.Options
@inject IOptions<AlgoliaOptions> options

    var algoliaOptions = options.Value;
<script type="text/javascript">
    const search = instantsearch({
      indexName: '@YourSearchModel.IndexName',
      searchClient: algoliasearch('@algoliaOptions.ApplicationId', '@algoliaOptions.SearchKey'),

v3.0.0 NuGet Package - New index registration

26 Jul 16:57
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  1. The recommended method for registering Algolia indexes is now to use a custom module in the Xperience administration project:
protected override void OnPreInit()

    Service.Use<IAlgoliaIndexRegister>(new DefaultAlgoliaIndexRegister()

and via a new parameter in the AddAlgolia method in the live-site project:

// Startup.cs
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
        new DefaultAlgoliaIndexRegister()

The method of registering indexes via the RegisterAlgoliaIndex attribute is still supported, but not recommended. Due to this change, the above methods must be called in both projects regardless of the index registration approach used.

  1. IAlgoliaRegistrationService.RegisteredIndexes now contains a list of AlgoliaIndex objects (changed from RegisterAlgoliaIndexAttribute).
  2. IAlgoliaRegistrationService.GetAlgoliaIndexAttributes was removed.
  3. The parameters of IAlgoliaRegistrationService.RegisterIndex were changed to Type, string, IEnumerable<string>?.


  • Installing the package on an Xperience instance that was hotfixed from a previous version to 13.0.73 worked as expected. However, installing the package on an Xperience instance using the Refresh 6 installer failed to build. Updating the Kentico.Xperience.Libraries reference to v13.0.73 resolves this issue.

v2.0.0 Custom module

26 Jul 17:02
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Updated for v3.0.0 of the NuGet package

v2.3.0 NuGet Package- Disable indexing via App Setting

09 Jun 21:41
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  • Algolia indexing can now be disabled globally for an application by setting the web.config application setting "AlgoliaSearchDisableIndexing" to true. This overrides the database setting provided by the custom module.

v2.2.0 NuGet package - Expose Algolia Index Initialization

02 Jun 16:33
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This release implements #15 to enable customization of search index initialization. Users can now create custom IAlgoliaIndexService implementations to alter the index, e.g. by setting synonyms. Changes have been made to examples in the README to reflect this change- instead of initializing the index using ISearchClient.InitIndex, you should inject the IAlgoliaIndexService and use the InitializeIndex method.

v1.1.0 Custom module

02 Jun 16:35
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Updated for Kentico.Xperience.AlgoliaSearch v2.2.0. No new features.

v2.1.0 NuGet package- Enable Source Link for debugging

24 May 19:21
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With this release, a symbols packages has been uploaded to NuGet, enabling the ability to debug the repository code locally via Source Link.