Personal development app based on GTD methodology
An app to manage all thoughts, ideas, todos and tasks. Collect, Refine, Remove, Reference and Schedule to free up your space in the mind.
See planning doc
Database diagram
- clone repo
- check your local machine has the correct version of ruby installed (ruby '2.6.5') :
ruby -v
- install dependencies:
bundle install
- build database and seed data:
rails db:create db:migrate db:seed
- start rails server:
rails s
- go to frontend:
When any database changes are made (E.g. migrations, schema.db updates etc.) local Database must be destroyed and rebuilt via:
rails db:reset
which is an alias for rails db:drop db:create db:migrate
run a test file:
bin/rails test test/models/thought_test.rb
bin/rails test test/models/task_test.rb
run all model tests TBD
run tests in a directory TBD
bin/rails test test/controllers/homepage_controller_test.rb
bin/rails test test/controllers/thoughts_controller_test.rb