Silex-bootstrap is an already setup Silex project. It helps you get started by providing you with everything you need for a lightweight Silex application. By the way, Silex is a PHP micro-framework.
This project embeds an HTML5Boilerplate structure with Twitterboostrap 2 for the frontend. Regarding the backend, the basics is already setup for you. There is some templating, routing, cache, controllers, basic settings and a solid directory structure.
It's very similar to Silex Kitchen Edition, but with less stuff. Oh, it's open source, and it's on Github.
Download composer :
curl -s | php
Download the latest version of the source code and of its dependencies :
php composer.phar create-project keirua/silex-bootstrap YourProject/ where YourProject/ is the directory of your future project.
Done ! You can now start hacking into YourProject/src/app.php. There already are 2 routes, / and /hello/plop
If you don't know Silex, I'm pretty sure the documentation can be useful.
The directory structure is the following
src/ is the root of your code. Create some routes in app.php, and put the templates in the views directory. A layout file based on HTML5Boilerplate is already there, it can be of use.
app/ contains all the settings of the application. Everything is in a file named bootstrap.php. If you want to add more service providers from Silex, do it there.
web/ contains everything which is exposed. Make sure your web server only serves this directory to people. It also contains all the public assets : css, js and images.
vendor/ contains all the dependencies of the project. The dependencies are listed in composer.json.
This tool was made with love by KeiruaProd.