- Introduction
- Tools used
- Get Started !
- Working of the Project
- OpenCV
- Numpy
- Time
- Keras (to load the model via
function in keras.models)
NOTE: There is a mixer library imported from imported from pygame, but currently the sound isn't working (sound should alert the user upon detecting drowsiness, its still work in progress)
STEP 1: Run the project
To run the project, just open you command line and run drowsiness_detection.py from the command line by typing:
python drowsiness_detection.py
Upon which, a window will open showing the webcam's input
Whenever the model detects that you eyes are closed, the score starts increasing & when the score goes above a certain limit(15 in this case), it starts playing the alamr.wav soundfile(which won't stop until the score back to zero again), and decrases when it is detected that your eyes are open.