When generating meshes for FEM/FVM computations, sometimes your geometry is so simple that you don't need a complex mesh generator (like pygmsh, MeshPy, mshr, pygalmesh, dmsh), but something simple and fast that makes use of the structure of the domain. Enter meshzoo.
import meshzoo
bary, cells = meshzoo.triangle(8)
# corners = numpy.array(
# [
# [0.0, -0.5 * numpy.sqrt(3.0), +0.5 * numpy.sqrt(3.0)],
# [1.0, -0.5, -0.5],
# ]
# )
# points = numpy.dot(corners, bary).T
# Process the mesh, e.g., write it to a file using meshio
# meshio.write_points_cells("triangle.vtk", points, {"triangle": cells})
import meshzoo
points, cells = meshzoo.rectangle_tri(
(0.0, 0.0),
(1.0, 1.0),
n=11, # or (11, 11)
variant="zigzag", # or "up", "down", "center"
points, cells = meshzoo.rectangle_quad((0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 1.0), n=11)
meshzoo.ngon(4, 8) |
meshzoo.ngon(6, 8) |
meshzoo.ngon(9, 8) |
import meshzoo
points, cells = meshzoo.ngon(5, 11)
meshzoo.disk(4, 8) |
meshzoo.disk(6, 8) |
meshzoo.disk(9, 8) |
The disk meshes are inflations of regular polygons.
import meshzoo
points, cells = meshzoo.disk(6, 11)
points, cells = meshzoo.disk_quad(10)
import meshzoo
points, cells = meshzoo.moebius(num_twists=1, nl=60, nw=11)
import meshzoo
points, cells = meshzoo.uv_sphere(num_points_per_circle=20, num_circles=10, radius=1.0)
points, tri, quad = meshzoo.geo_sphere(
num_points_per_circle=20, num_circles=10, radius=1.0
Spheres can also be generated by refining the faces of platonic solids and then "inflating" them. meshzoo implements a few of them. The sphere generated from the icosahedron has the highest-quality (most equilateral) triangles.
All cells are oriented such that its normal points outwards.
meshzoo.tetra_sphere(10) |
meshzoo.octa_sphere(10) |
meshzoo.icosa_sphere(10) |
import meshzoo
points, cells = meshzoo.ball_tetra(10)
points, cells = meshzoo.ball_hexa(10)
import meshzoo
points, cells = meshzoo.tube(length=1.0, radius=1.0, n=30)
import meshzoo
points, cells = meshzoo.cube_tetra((0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 1.0, 1.0), n=11)
points, cells = meshzoo.cube_hexa((0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 1.0, 1.0), n=11)
In addition to this, the
contains a couple of instructive examples for other mesh generators.
meshzoo is available from the Python Package Index, so simply do
pip install meshzoo
to install.
To run the meshzoo unit tests, check out this repository and run
meshzoo is published under the MIT license.