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Releases: KJeff01/camBalance

camBalance v1.2.10

22 Oct 16:32
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  • Add missing research names (so the 4.5.4+ Research stats objects can display all research topics now).
  • Documentation fixes.
  • Fix random coordinate generator setting the Y minimum limit wrong.
  • Make random coordinate generator scan 2 tiles around potential locations to help prevent transporters dropping units in bad positions.

camBalance v1.2.9

17 Oct 16:08
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Note: Requires post-4.5.3 builds since this accounts for the JSON conversion of the Brief/Proximity files.

  • Upgrade obsolete units to appropriate ones.
  • Try to prevent very rare case of randomized enemy transporters getting too close to a map edge in Insane.
  • Increase default factory group defense radius from 5 to 6 tiles.
  • Release partial factory groups when their factory gets destroyed.
  • Move first Alpha alloy into Alpha 5.
  • Make Tank Trap research cheaper compared to Flamer/MG tower.
  • Reduce Bombard research time.
  • AC was missing splash damage so was given a basic amount.
  • Make Pepperpot do more splash damage than Mortar.
  • Make Whirlwind do more splash damage than Hurricane.
  • Reduce price/time of Gamma cyborg research.

camBalance v1.2.8

26 Aug 15:37
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This release has the first version of the new Insane. Where spawns/VTOL waves/transporter reinforcements will appear, in some combination, on every level from Alpha 5 to Gamma 8.

Library fixes:

  • CAM_REINFORCE_NONE went unused so I made it functional for spawn related code, and LZ bases.
  • Transporters won't get added to groups via camMakeGroup().
  • camGenerateRandomMapEdgeCoordinate() and camGenerateRandomMapCoordinate() were improved. Ability to check if a potential position can reach an area if it is Hover propulsion, the ability to prevent a position from being within X distance of a position, and making sure any possibility for an infinite loop can't happen.
  • The script can specify the ability to go after oils or not when using camManageTruck(). This fixes Gamma team on Gamma 3 sending a truck to unclaimed oils before they get absorbed.
  • The VTOL spawn system can make use of reinforcement conditions now.
  • Unify VTOL retreat and disappearing code into one new set of conditions and rules inside camVtolCanDisappear().

Alpha 6 map upgraded to use appropriate defenses (upgrade LC hardpoints to MC hardpoints, for example).

camBalance v1.2.7

17 Aug 00:32
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  • Make Nexus acquire full armor strength upon crossing one of the triggers on Gamma 1 immediately rather than with a slight delay.
  • Upgrade from Mortar to Bombard units on Alpha 8 and 9, since the Bombard is found on Alpha 8.
  • The Collective create Tank Killer tanks on Beta 6 seeing as TK cyborgs get produced on this mission.
  • Anti-Cheese Gamma 1 triggers by extending their areas to map limits. New VTOL-only trigger added to the western side to activate western base factories.
  • The Collective now use Lancer, Heavy Cannon, and Phosphor Bomb VTOLs on Beta 5 (HEAP Bombs still maintain 50% of each attack group as before).
  • The Collective use Assault Cannon VTOLs on Beta 9 and Beta End.
  • Syncs Commander rank threshold changes and library rank getter function update.
  • Reduce the research time/price of all defense/wall/material related research by half or more. Small corrections made if it was noticed something appeared off compared to other topics (this wasn't super in-depth). Helps save precious power on Insane and make it so waiting out research on certain missions doesn't take so long (example: Alpha 5, Gamma 3/6/7).

camBalance v1.2.6

30 Jun 03:29
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  • Buff base damage of AG by 1 to lessen gaps between them and flamer weapons. This is especially important for AG to decrease the gap between it and Flashlight from Gamma 4+, as well as keep tank AG closer to its cyborg weapon (due to its base damage enjoying rounding values up much more).

  • Give Ripple Rocket a ROF upgrade after Hellstorm to increase its usefulness on Gamma given it has no splash damage.

camBalance v1.2.5

13 Jun 18:23
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This is just a changelog, as v1.2.5 is part of 4.5.0-beta1. So don't download anything.

The cherry on top of the Banana banance ice cream sundae, the crowning jewel and masterpiece for 4.5, which I affectionately dub: The Radical Wheels Update.

  • Reduce Wheels weight so they become just mega heckin' cool: a fast and fierce, fierce competitor to Hover in some aspects. Vrooooooom vrooom!
  • Reduce cost and production time on Wheels cause they need bigger differences compared to Half-Tracks.

As one example, fast Medium Cannon designs on Cobra are possible now to improve strategic depth of the game. Yay! On Heavy bodies it is still fast with heavier weapons too. I rode Wheels to Gamma on Normal at least. Very good for units that won't be in danger that much or if you want fast cannons on a heavy body but need them cheaper than Hover at the cost of durability.

Since the original Command rank thresholds are double of those today (reduced to match Skirmish 14 years ago -- Classic will use these 2x ones again), experiment with a new rank map that also sets Hero to 2048 exp. The bigger difference between the simple doubling of thresholds is it makes ranks feel more earned and spread out while encouraging more than 1 Commander early on, and according to some GitHub comments it was thought exp was gained too fast these days compared to probably really old 2.x releases. 2048 experience will be achieved on a single Commander before the end of late Beta campaign without farming experience.

And some other tweaks and fixes:

  • Increase amounts of transporter dropped units on Alpha 7, 9, 10, and 12 if Hard or Insane difficulty.
  • Fix Gauss Cannon to use ALL ROUNDER modifier, not ANTI TANK like the original stats had. Make it penetrate like in MP so it becomes wicked cool.
  • Reduce build time on cyborg legs so it doesn't match Wheels value. Saves about 3 seconds on production.
  • Replace Rail Gun Hardpoints with Gauss Cannon Hardpoints on Gamma 9 seeing as the AI typically exclusively uses the best defenses available on the last missions.
  • Reduce Wall upgrade amount on the Collective from 6 to 5 on Beta 8 so Insane feels better.
  • Buff Heavy Gunner (again) from Medium Cannon to Heavy Cannon tier since it was weak according to feedback. Now unlocked via Heavy Cannon research. Lives up to its namesake now.
  • Buff Hurricane base stats so 1 damage upgrade on Beta 1 can finally let the preplaced hurricane sites kill a VTOL for the first time in any release. Cyclone buffed to make Beta 7 feel better, swap a little ROF on Whirlwind for damage to penetrate armor better for later mission.
  • Make sure Classic uses the exact offmap spawn amounts they should have, not the 3.3 ones.
  • Prevent "Return to LZ" message and sound playing momentarily sometimes at the end of Gamma 2.
  • Always try to win after the nuke event on Gamma 2 so hover units can't game the 1 second victory condition check timer and delay a win by moving it just outside the valley safe area.
  • Replace MRP towers on Beta 8 with Collective Lancer towers, replace Project Lancer towers the Collective had with their own.
  • Auto-upgrade Machine gunner cyborgs to Assault Gunners on Remastered like with the cannon/rocket/flamers ones in a previous v1.2 release.
  • Increase Mini Rocket Pod HP from 5 to 150 since it has less range and needs to get closer into combat.
  • Giga buff Pepperpot base damage (again) from 55 to 75, hopefully making it shred everything in its path as the elite short range artillery weapon.
  • Decrease size of LZ areas on Alpha 12 and Beta 10 to make LZ compromising more reasonable.

camBalance v1.2.4

18 May 23:08
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Updates merged into master branch: ~May 18th, 2024.

This is a tiny bugfix release, mostly as an emergency patch to fix the 3.2 balance option so that Gamma 8 is beatable.

  • Bring back the Mobile Repair units on Gamma 4 now that they don't automatically pull in retreating units towards them.
  • Replace the MRP towers on Gamma 4 with Tank Killer hardpoints (towers/hardpoints have the same size, so no pathing issues).
  • Correct the location of the LZ flares on Gamma 8 and Beta 10.
  • Give the 3.2 balance option its own specific mission time and a slower lassat creep factor, as research takes much longer in 3.2.

camBalance v1.2.3

20 Apr 00:14
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For Warzone 2100 dev-builds as of 4/19/2024.

Balance updates since last release:

  • Various power and production time tweaks on Beta/Gamma tier weapons.
  • Bring back the VTOL Mini-Rocket Pod as the campaign version of the Multiplayer Sunburst.
  • Improve VTOL weapon HP, power, and production time differences.
  • Make Flamer Bunker use the Flamer Tower weapon, give Inferno Emplacement a longer ranged more powerful Inferno weapon.
  • Fix helper group AG cyborgs at the start of Gamma 6 being updated to Flashlight cyborgs.
  • Fix VTOL Pulse Laser having worse accuracy values compared to the tank version.
  • Increase ROF of VTOL: Heavy Cannon, Needle, Rail Gun, Flashlight, and Pulse Laser.

Mission script updates:

  • Gamma 2: Fix bug from a 2019 bugfix affecting victory conditions when the base isn't fully destroyed (would have to backtrack to destroy the base after the nuke event in this scenario). Also prevent running the nuke event until all artifacts are picked up to prevent a softlock from blowing up artifacts.
  • Alpha 12: Prevent Hover cheese on the "land path" factory/lz triggers; Move the second coordinates south a bit for both triggers to resemble older releases.

Campaign library updates:

  • Allow the campaign library to (finally) understand how to map tech to pre-placed map artifacts. Add new add/delete functions to individually add or remove artifacts from being managed by the library.

camBalance v1.2.2

27 Feb 20:22
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Note: Download a dev-build here (must be logged into GitHub to have links appears). No mod needed as this is merged.

For WZ-dev builds as of 2/27/2024, 4.5.0+.

  • Move Turbo-Charged Engine Mk2 to Beta 7 (two engine upgrades were in Beta 10).
  • Make Bunker Buster always one-shot bunkers.
  • Buff cyborg rocket base damage a bit more.
  • Buff Inferno HP to 100, Flashlight HP to 125.
  • Bump Depleted Uranium MG Bullets on Beta 9.
  • Improve on-map units/defenses for the player and allies on Beta 1, Gamma 3, Gamma 6.

Water triangle correction ran on Gamma 1 maps (including the unused variant in the Gamma 3 folder).

camBalance v1.2.1

18 Jan 01:53
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For Warzone 2100 dev-builds.

  • Restored the NavGunSensor onto all spawned/manufactured units for Nexus. Seen for the first time since 3.1 days.
  • Enhanced damage for all cyborgs to be better than tank variants; New Sniper, Tank Killer, and Thermite cyborgs in Beta campaign.
  • Various tweaks to the VTOL waves based on feedback from testers.
  • Fixed any VTOL weapons doing the same damage as a tank variant by boosting them up a bit.
  • Allow Leopard Tank Killer VTOLs to appear on Beta 7+.
  • Gamma 9 hack resembles old behavior more so the 3 artifacts feel more worthwhile on Normal.
  • Fixed original game bug where the first scavenger factory on Alpha 8 had poor rotation trapping scavengers sometimes.
  • Create Depleted Uranium Mk3 upgrade that appears during tech found from the artifact in Gamma 4; Obsolete AG and Inferno (+ cyborgs) at Pulse Laser.