Node-red nodes communicate with the Raspberry Pi I2C Motor Hat
Return a list of addresses of i2c devices connected to raspebrry pi.
Node config:
- Bus Number: default to 1
- Bus Address: default to 96
Node input:
- index
- motor index, choose from {1,2,3,4}
- speed
- motor speed, range from [0, 255]
- command
- 1 - Forward
- 2 - Backward
- 3 - Brake
- 4 - Release
- runtime
- < 0 - Run till Release command
- Otherwise - Run for input seconds
example input node - 4th DC motor runs for 2 seconds with 250/255 of full speed and forward direction.
controlMsg = {};
// varialbles
controlMsg["index"] = 4;
controlMsg["speed"] = 250;
controlMsg["command"] = 1;
controlMsg["runtime"] = 2;
return controlMsg;
Error msg.
Node config
- Bus Number: default to 1
- Bus Address: default to 96
Node input
- index
- Stepper index, choose from {1,2}
- speed
- motor speed
- command
- 1 - Forward
- 2 - Backward
- 3 - Brake
- 4 - Release
- Style
- 1 - Single
- 2 - Double
- 3 - Interleave
- 4 - Microstep
- step
- number of steps
example input node
controlMsg = {};
// varialbles
controlMsg["index"] = 2;
controlMsg["speed"] = 120;
controlMsg["step"] = 200;
controlMsg["command"] = 1;
controlMsg["style"] = 2;
return controlMsg;
Error msg.