Unreal engine based robot simulator.
Version using SDF
for loading robots.
See gzsdf
for converting URDF
to SDF
Plugin Dependencies
- place the URobosim into the plugin folder of your project
- place all plugin dependencies into the plugin folder of your project
- add URoboSim as dependency to the *.Build.cs
ROS requirements
- install ROS (tested on kinetic)
- install rosbridge_suite
- add urobosim_msgs to your workspace
Creating the robot model
- Create CollisionChannel Robot in new Projects
- import the sdf file (enable: Combine Meshes)
- drag and dorp the sdf file into the map (while dragging wait for the mesh creation to be finished before dropping the model)
Add Controller
- add RControllerComponent to the model
- add new element to the ControllerList (Left field: Controller Name, Right field: Controller Type)
- BaseController:
- Base Name: Name of the Base
- JointController:
- Base Link: same as BaseController Base Name
- DesiredJointState: TMap of the desired joint angles, can be set manually or by adding a RJointControllerConfigurationClient to the ROSCommunication Component
- CameraController:
- CameraRef: Name of the Reference Link
- Camera Name: Name of the Camera (Placed in the world)
- Perceived Object: List of Perceived object, used for fake perception
- PoseOffset: offset of the camera from ReferenceFrame
- HeadController
- GripperController(only tested on PR2):
- GripperCompSetting: Setting of the Gripper Component (ReferenceFrame, Offset)
- Right/LeftJointName:
- Right/LeftFingerTipName
- GraspComponent: Name of the GraspComponent (GraspComponent has to be added to model)
Add ROSCommunication
- Publisher:
- OdometriePublisher:
- Publishes the odometrie of the robot
- FrameTransform: Position of the origin of the odometrie
- MapFrameId: Name of the map frame
- OdomFrameId: Name of the odometrie frame
- BaseFrameId: Name of the base frame of the robot
- Topic: Name of the topic to publish the odometrie
- JointStatePublisher:
- Publishes the current joint state of the robot
- JointParamTopic: Name of the topic inside the parameter server containing the joints to be published
- Topic: Name of the topic on which is published
- R2DLidarPublisher:
- Publishes the lidar measurement
- SensorName: Name of the lidar sensor
- Topic: Name of the topic on which is published
- RJointTrajectoryControllerStatePublisher:
- Publishes the state of the JointController (necessary for Giskard)
- JointParamTopic: Name of the topic inside the parameter server containing the joints to be controlled by giskard
- Topic: Name of the topic on which is published
- OdometriePublisher:
- Subscriber:
- RVelocityCommandSubscriber
- Listens to the velocity commands and sets the desired velocity for the URBaseController (URBaseController in ControllerComponent has to be called "BaseController")
- RVelocityCommandSubscriber
- Client:
- URJointControllerConfigurationClient:
- Configures the DesirdJoints (actuated joints) of the JointController
- JointParamTopic: Name of the topic inside the parameter server containing the actuated joints
- URJointControllerConfigurationClient:
- Action:
- URFollowJointTrajectoryActionServer:
- Actions server for the FollowJointTrajectoryAction
- Type: control_msgs/FollowJointTrajectoryAction
- FeedbackPublisher -> JointParamTopic: Name of the topic inside the parameter server containing the joints to be controlled by giskard
- ControllerName: Name of the JointController
- ActionName: Name of the action
- URGripperCommandActionServer:
- Actions server for the GripperAction
- Type: pr2_controllers_msgs/Pr2GripperAction
- ControllerName: Name of the GripperController
- ActionName: Name of the action
- URPerceiveObjectActionServer:
- Actions server for the fake perception
- Type: urobosim_msgs/PerceiveObjectAction
- ControllerName: Name of the CameraController
- ActionName: Name of the action
- URPointHeadActionServer:
- Actions server for the HeadAction
- Type: control_msgs/PointHeadAction
- ControllerName: Name of the HeadController
- ActionName: Name of the action
- URFollowJointTrajectoryActionServer:
Example Workflow