v0.3.0 (2019-08-06)
Closed issues:
- How to install CorpusLoaders, in Julia 1.0 (#19)
- Add Some sentiment datasets (#13)
- SenseEval support (#9)
- Broken docs link (#6)
- String interning idea (#4)
- Include automatic download like MLDatasets (#1)
Merged pull requests:
- Fixing documentation (#26) (Ayushk4)
- Add Project toml (#25) (Ayushk4)
- Fix documentation for CoNLL (#22) (Ayushk4)
- Fix levelname Mapping and deprecations (#21) (Ayushk4)
- Support for CoNLL Corpora (#20) (Ayushk4)
- Adding IMDB, Twitter and Stanford Sentiment datasets (#18) (ComputerMaestro)
- Add support for senseval3 (#15) (Ayushk4)
- Update README.md (#14) (SebastinSanty)
- Start fresh (#8) (oxinabox)