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Merge pull request #55 from JuliaPluto/path_in_preprocess
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disberd authored Aug 7, 2024
2 parents 73b670d + f5be86b commit 4884a4e
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Showing 7 changed files with 133 additions and 67 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Project.toml
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
name = "PlutoPlotly"
uuid = "8e989ff0-3d88-8e9f-f020-2b208a939ff0"
authors = ["Alberto Mengali <[email protected]>"]
version = "0.5.0"
version = "0.6.0-DEV"

AbstractPlutoDingetjes = "6e696c72-6542-2067-7265-42206c756150"
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions ext/UnitfulExt.jl
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@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
module UnitfulExt

using PlutoPlotly: _preprocess, PlutoPlotly
using PlutoPlotly: _process_with_names, PlutoPlotly, AttrName
using Unitful: Quantity, ustrip

PlutoPlotly._preprocess(q::Quantity) = _preprocess(ustrip(q))
PlutoPlotly._process_with_names(q::Quantity, fl::Val, @nospecialize(args::Vararg{AttrName})) = _process_with_names(ustrip(q), fl, args...)

5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion notebooks/basic_tests.jl
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Expand Up @@ -16,9 +16,11 @@ macro bind(def, element)

# ╔═╡ db523d3c-df04-4722-937b-33ccf374800f
using PlutoDevMacros

# ╔═╡ 72c073fd-5f1b-4af0-901b-aaa901f0f273
using PlutoDevMacros
using PlutoUI
using PlutoExtras
using Dates
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -846,6 +848,7 @@ version = "17.4.0+2"

# ╔═╡ Cell order:
# ╠═7bd46437-8af0-4a15-87e9-1508869e1600
# ╠═db523d3c-df04-4722-937b-33ccf374800f
# ╠═72c073fd-5f1b-4af0-901b-aaa901f0f273
# ╠═70dc8fa0-cc32-4ebe-af0d-62b5bb3a82ed
# ╟─acba5003-a456-4c1a-a53f-71a3bec30251
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160 changes: 110 additions & 50 deletions src/preprocess.jl
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@@ -1,96 +1,156 @@
const SKIP_FLOAT32 = ScopedValue(false)
skip_float32(f) = let
with(f, SKIP_FLOAT32 => true)
const FORCE_FLOAT32 = ScopedValue(true)

# Get a val to specify whether
floatval() = Val{FORCE_FLOAT32[]}()

# Helper struct just to have the name as symbol parameter for dispatch
struct AttrName{S}
AttrName(s::Symbol) = new{s}(s)
# This is used to handle args... which in case only one element is passed is not iterable
Base.iterate(n::AttrName, state = 1) = state > 1 ? nothing : (n, state + 1)

This function is basically `_json_lower` from PlotlyBase, but we do it directly
on the PlutoPlot to avoid the modifying the behavior of `_json_lower` for `Plot`
objects (which is required to modify how matrices are passed to `publish_to_js`)
objects (which is required to modify how matrices are passed to `publish_to_js`).
We now have a complex dispatch to be able to do custom processing for specific
The standard signature for a _process_with_names method is:
_process_with_names(x, fl::Val, @nospecialize(args::Vararg{AttrName}))
- the first argument should be the actual input to process and should be
typed accordingly for dispatch.
- The second argument is either `Val{true}` or `Val{false}` and represents the
flag to force number to be converted in Float32. # We added this to
significantly improve performance as the runtime check for converting or not was
creating type instability.
- All the remaining arguments are of type `AttrName` and represent the path of
attributes names leading to this specific input. For example, if we are
processing the input that is inside the xaxis_range in the layout, the function
call will have this form:
_process_with_names(x, fl, AttrName(:xaxis), AttrName(:range), AttrName(:layout))
# Main _preprocess for the PlutoPlot object
function _preprocess(pp::PlutoPlot)
p = pp.Plot
This again is to allow dispatch to work on the path so that one can customize behavior of _process_with_names with great control.
At the moment this is only used for modifying the behavior when `title` is
passed as a String, changing it to the more recent plotly syntax (see
The various `@nospecialize` below are to avoid exploding compilation given our exponential number of dispatch options, so we only specialize where we need.

# Main _process_with_names for the PlutoPlot object
function _process_with_names(pp::PlutoPlot)
p = pp.Plot
fl = floatval()
out = Dict(
:data => _preprocess(,
:layout => _preprocess(p.layout),
:frames => _preprocess(p.frames),
:config => _preprocess(p.config)
:data => _process_with_names(, fl, AttrName(:data)),
:layout => _process_with_names(p.layout, fl, AttrName(:layout)),
:frames => _process_with_names(p.frames, fl, AttrName(:frames)),
:config => _process_with_names(p.config, fl, AttrName(:config))

templates = PlotlyBase.templates
templates = PlotlyBase.templates
layout_template = p.layout.template
template = if layout_template isa String
layout_template === "none" ? Template() : templates[layout_template]
elseif layout_template === templates[templates.default]
# If we enter here we did not specify any template in the layout, so se use our default
# If we enter here we did not specify any template in the layout, so se use our default
out[:layout][:template] = _preprocess(template)
out[:layout][:template] = _process_with_names(template, fl, AttrName(:template), AttrName(:layout))

# Defaults to JSON.lower for generic non-overloaded types
_preprocess(x) = PlotlyBase.JSON.lower(x) # Default
_preprocess(x::TimeType) = sprint(print, x) # For handling datetimes
# Generic fallbacks
_process_with_names(x, ::Val, @nospecialize(args::Vararg{AttrName})) = _preprocess(x)
_process_with_names(x) = _process_with_names(x, floatval())

_preprocess(s::AbstractString) = String(s)
# Handle strings
_process_with_names(s::AbstractString, ::Val, @nospecialize(args::Vararg{AttrName})) =
_process_with_names(s::AbstractString, ::Val, ::AttrName{:title}, @nospecialize(args::Vararg{AttrName})) =
Dict(:text => _preprocess(s))

_preprocess(x::Real) = SKIP_FLOAT32[] ? x : Float32(x)
# Handle Reals
_process_with_names(x::Real, ::Val{false}, @nospecialize(args::Vararg{AttrName})) = x
_process_with_names(x::Real, ::Val{true}, @nospecialize(args::Vararg{AttrName})) = x isa Bool ? x : Float32(x)
# Tuple, Arrays
_process_with_names(x::Union{Tuple,AbstractArray}, fl::Val, @nospecialize(args::Vararg{AttrName})) = [_process_with_names(el, fl, args...) for el in x]
# Multidimensional array of numbers must be nested 1D arrays
_process_with_names(A::AbstractArray{<:Union{Number,AbstractVector{<:Number}},N}, fl::Val, @nospecialize(args::Vararg{AttrName})) where {N} =
if N == 1
[_process_with_names(el, fl, args...) for el in A]
[_process_with_names(collect(s), fl, args...) for s eachslice(A; dims=ndims(A))]

_preprocess(x::Union{Bool,String,Nothing,Missing}) = x
_preprocess(x::Symbol) = string(x)
_preprocess(x::Union{Tuple,AbstractArray}) = _preprocess.(x)
_preprocess(A::AbstractArray{<:Union{Number, AbstractVector{<:Number}}, N}) where N = if N == 1
[_preprocess(collect(s)) for s eachslice(A; dims = ndims(A))]
function _preprocess(d::Dict)
Dict{Any,Any}(k => _preprocess(v) for (k, v) in pairs(d))
_preprocess(a::PlotlyBase.HasFields) = Dict{Any,Any}(k => _preprocess(v) for (k, v) in pairs(a.fields))
_preprocess(c::PlotlyBase.Cycler) = c.vals
function _preprocess(c::PlotlyBase.ColorScheme)::Vector{Tuple{Float64,String}}
N = length(c.colors)
map(ic -> ((ic[1] - 1) / (N - 1), _preprocess(ic[2])), enumerate(c.colors))
# Dict ans HasFields
_process_with_names(d::Dict, fl::Val, @nospecialize(args::Vararg{AttrName})) =
Dict{Any,Any}(k => _process_with_names(v, fl, args...) for (k, v) in pairs(d))
_process_with_names(d::Dict{Symbol}, fl::Val, @nospecialize(args::Vararg{AttrName})) =
Dict{Symbol,Any}(k => _process_with_names(v, fl, AttrName(k), args...) for (k, v) in pairs(d))
# We have a separate one because it seems to reduce allocations
_process_with_names(a::PlotlyBase.HasFields, fl::Val, @nospecialize(args::AttrName)) =
_process_with_names(a.fields, fl, args...)

_preprocess(t::PlotlyBase.Template) = Dict(
:data => _preprocess(,
:layout => _preprocess(t.layout)
# Templates
_process_with_names(t::PlotlyBase.Template, fl::Val, @nospecialize(args::Vararg{AttrName})) = Dict(
:data => _process_with_names(, fl, AttrName(:data), args...),
:layout => _process_with_names(t.layout, fl, AttrName(:layout), args...)

function _preprocess(pc::PlotlyBase.PlotConfig)
# Config
function _process_with_names(pc::PlotlyBase.PlotConfig, fl::Val, @nospecialize(args::Vararg{AttrName}))
out = Dict{Symbol,Any}()
for fn in fieldnames(PlotlyBase.PlotConfig)
field = getfield(pc, fn)
if !isnothing(field)
out[fn] = field
out[fn] = _process_with_names(field, fl, AttrName(fn), args...)

## The functions below are the internal processing only taking the value, so not depending on names path or float32 flag
# Defaults to JSON.lower for generic non-overloaded types
_preprocess(x) = PlotlyBase.JSON.lower(x) # Default
_preprocess(x::TimeType) = sprint(print, x) # For handling datetimes

_preprocess(s::Union{AbstractString, Symbol}) = String(s)

_preprocess(x::Union{Nothing,Missing}) = x
_preprocess(x::Symbol) = string(x)

_preprocess(c::PlotlyBase.Cycler) = c.vals

function _preprocess(c::PlotlyBase.ColorScheme)::Vector{Tuple{Float64,String}}
N = length(c.colors)
map(ic -> ((ic[1] - 1) / (N - 1), _preprocess(ic[2])), enumerate(c.colors))

# Files that will be later moved to an extension. At the moment it's pointless because PlotlyBase uses those internally anyway.
_preprocess(s::LaTeXString) = s.s

# Colors, they can be put inside an extension
_preprocess(c::Color) = @views begin
s = hex(c, :rrggbb)
r = parse(Int, s[1:2]; base = 16)
g = parse(Int, s[3:4]; base = 16)
b = parse(Int, s[5:6]; base = 16)
r = parse(Int, s[1:2]; base=16)
g = parse(Int, s[3:4]; base=16)
b = parse(Int, s[5:6]; base=16)
return "rgb($r,$g,$b)"
_preprocess(c::TransparentColor) = @views begin
s = hex(c, :rrggbbaa)
r = parse(Int, s[1:2]; base = 16)
g = parse(Int, s[3:4]; base = 16)
b = parse(Int, s[5:6]; base = 16)
a = parse(Int, s[7:8]; base = 16)
r = parse(Int, s[1:2]; base=16)
g = parse(Int, s[3:4]; base=16)
b = parse(Int, s[5:6]; base=16)
a = parse(Int, s[7:8]; base=16)
return "rgba($r,$g,$b,$(a/255))"
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/show.jl
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Expand Up @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ function _show(pp::PlutoPlot; script_id = "pluto-plotly-div", ver = get_plotly_v
// Publish the plot object to JS
let plot_obj = _.update($(maybe_publish_to_js(_preprocess(pp))), "layout", removeTypedArray)
let plot_obj = _.update($(maybe_publish_to_js(_process_with_names(pp))), "layout", removeTypedArray)
// Get the plotly listeners
const plotly_listeners = $(pp.plotly_listeners)
// Get the JS listeners
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21 changes: 12 additions & 9 deletions test/basic_coverage.jl
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@@ -1,14 +1,16 @@
using Test
using PlutoPlotly
using PlutoPlotly: _preprocess, SKIP_FLOAT32, skip_float32, ARTIFACT_VERSION, PLOTLY_VERSION
using PlutoPlotly: _preprocess, FORCE_FLOAT32, ARTIFACT_VERSION, PLOTLY_VERSION, _process_with_names
using PlutoPlotly.PlotlyBase: ColorScheme, Colors, Cycler, templates
using ScopedValues

@test SKIP_FLOAT32[] == false
@test skip_float32() do
end == true
@test SKIP_FLOAT32[] == false
p = plot(rand(Int, 4));
_p = p |> _process_with_names
@test first(_p[:data])[:y] isa Vector{Float32}
with(FORCE_FLOAT32 => false) do
_p = p |> _process_with_names
@test first(_p[:data])[:y] isa Vector{Int}

@test force_pluto_mathjax_local() === false
Expand All @@ -19,13 +21,14 @@ finally

@test ColorScheme([Colors.RGB(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), Colors.RGB(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)],
"custom", "twotone, black and white") |> _preprocess == [(0.0, "rgb(0,0,0)"), (1.0, "rgb(255,255,255)")]
"custom", "twotone, black and white") |> _process_with_names == [(0.0, "rgb(0,0,0)"), (1.0, "rgb(255,255,255)")]
@test _preprocess(SubString("asda",1:3)) === "asd"
@test _preprocess(:lol) === "lol"
@test _preprocess(true) === true
@test _process_with_names(true) === true
@test _preprocess(Cycler((1,2))) == [1,2]
@test _preprocess(1) === 1.0f0
@test _process_with_names(1) === 1.0f0 # By default process converts to Float32
@test _preprocess(L"3+2") === raw"$3+2$"
@test all(x -> _preprocess(x) === x, [nothing, missing])

# Check that plotly is the default
@test default_plotly_template() == templates[templates.default]
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions test/extensions.jl
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Expand Up @@ -27,11 +27,11 @@ if Sys.islinux()

## Unitful Extension ##
using PlutoPlotly: _preprocess
using PlutoPlotly: _process_with_names
using Unitful: °, ustrip

uv_r = range(0°, 100°; step = 1°)
@test _preprocess(uv_r) == collect(0:100)
@test _process_with_names(uv_r) == collect(0:100)
uv_a = rand(3,5) .* °
uv_a_strip = ustrip.(uv_a)
@test _preprocess(uv_a) == _preprocess(uv_a_strip)
@test _process_with_names(uv_a) == _process_with_names(uv_a_strip)

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