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ModelFit structure

Leandro Acquaroli edited this page Oct 17, 2019 · 5 revisions

ModelFit is a FitSpectrum subtype constructor to be used in conjunction with LayerTMMO when building your system for the fitting procedure FitTMMOptics.jl.

To call this subtype we can type, for instance

n1 = RIdb.air(beam.λ)
n2 = RIdb.silicon(beam.λ)
model1 = :looyenga
ModelFit(model1; N=(n1, n2))
model2 = :sellmeier

Input arguments

The required input argument is the model, which is set as Symbol.

In the first case above, we defined a model1 = :looyengaspheresbin which is the Looyenga-Laundau-Lifshitz effective medium. This model is thought for fitting the so-called porosity, or the volume of n1 in the total volume n1 + n2.

If you used any effective medium approximation model (RefractiveIndicesModels.jl), you must input the two indices of refraction that compose the layer. For now, only binary mixtures are available.

In the second case, model2 = :sellmeier sets to fit this layer using Sellmeier's equation. In this case, there is no need to input any optional arguments, as all the parameters will estimated in the fitting procedure.

To see which other models you can use, check out the RefractiveIndicesModels.jl.

Optional input arguments


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