Releases: JonathanTaquet/Oe2sSLE
main changes since release v0.2.0:
- some bug fixes
- added conversion to mono import option
I'm not able to continue developments/releases for MacOS X as I do not have a Mac anymore.
I stop to produce linux-x86 binarie releases as no-one download them.
main changes since release v0.1.2:
- some bug fixes
- main window interface reorganization
- some import/export options
- more functions to organize your samples
main changes since release v0.1.1:
- the log file will now be located in
(<your drive letter>:\\Users\\<your username>\\.Oe2sSLE\\Oe2sSLE.log
on windows). - the combobox content cannot be changed anymore with mouse scroll (not really friendly)
- prevent application from crashing if an empty data wav file is imported
- some minor bug fixes
other changes in binary releases:
- pyaudio upgraded from version 0.2.9 to version 0.2.10
- pyinstaller version 3.2.1 was used to generate the binaries
should solve tcl/tk problems for some Mac OS X users.
Bug fix release:
- fix an issue that was occurring when RIFF 'fmt ' chunks have an ''unusual'' size: the exported samples and/or the saved '.all' file containing such an imported .wav file were corrupted for both the application and the electribe.
main changes since v0.1.0-alpha-1:
- when you export samples,
- loop points are exported in smpl chunks
- slice start points are exported in cue chunks
- some code accelerations
- fix slice points that were not properly positioned when a non zero start point was used
- other minor fixes
This version is the result of a refactoring of the code in order to solve windows and Mac OSX issues, by reducing the number of widgets in the main application window.
This alpha version is a pre-release: there may still be some bugs due to the refactoring.
main changes since v0.0.12:
- the main interface window uses less tkinter widgets. On some versions of windows, it allows to not have widgets disappearing when too many widgets where used. On Mac OSX, it accelerates a lot the loading of many samples.
- some optimizations of the code to accelerate load/import of samples
Note: this is also the first Mac OSX release. It may not work properly with all Mac OSX versions (it is only tested on Mac OS X 10.6).
main changes since v0.0.11:
- you can now edit most of the values with text inputs (keyboard or copy/paste for instance)
- sample category is now edited with a combobox
- fixed an issue with the setting of the sampling frequency:
- the new sampling frequency was not taken into account by the electribe (a specific parameter was not updated in the .all file)
- if you have a .all file with such a problem, just open it with this new release and save it.
- fixed an issue with the character encoding of the sample name. ascii should have been used but utf8 was.
- other minor fixes
known bugs:
- if you are on windows 10 (maybe on previous versions also), if you have too much samples loaded there seems to be an issue with tkinter: some widgets are not displayed. Try to not have more than 775 samples opened at once if you don't want to wast working time... (all possible samples numbers filled up to 872).
- this bugs seems to not occur on windows XP.
main changes since v0.0.10:
- added the ability to change the sampling frequency of a sample
- added the ability to convert a stereo sample to a mono sample
- solved the no sound output issue when playing audio preview of a sample with a too high frequency
Edit: attached executable includes fix 6944e7f
changes since v0.0.9:
- fix: application crash when editing sample name
- add: ability to import 8bits PCM samples as well as (old) 24bits PCM samples (still widely used format)