A curated list of awesome TypeScript compilers, runtimes and transpilers that might target other languages.
Project | Target | Description |
tsc | JavaScript |
TypeScript default compiler. (online demo) |
sucrase | JavaScript |
Super-fast alternative to Babel. (online demo) |
swc | JavaScript |
Super-fast TypeScript / JavaScript compiler written in Rust. (online demo) |
esbuild | JavaScript |
Fast JavaScript and CSS bundler. (online demo) |
ezno | JavaScript |
A JavaScript compiler and TypeScript checker written in Rust with a focus on static analysis and runtime performance. |
babel | JavaScript |
Babel is a compiler for writing next generation JavaScript. (online demo) |
bun | runtime |
Incredibly fast JavaScript runtime, bundler, transpiler and package manager. (online demo) |
deno | runtime |
Deno is a secure, fast, and open-source runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript. (online demo) |
elsa | runtime |
elsa is a minimal, fast and secure runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript |
ts2lua | Lua |
Complete TypeScript to lua transpiler. (online demo) |
AssemblyScript | WASM |
A TypeScript-like language for WebAssembly. (online demo) |
TypeRunner | bytecode |
High-performance TypeScript compiler. |
BosqueLang | bytecode |
A TypeScript-like language created by Microsoft. |
StaticScript | LLVM |
A new statically typed programming language, syntactically like TypeScript. |
tsCompiler | LLVM |
TypeScript Compiler (by LLVM) |
hydro-sdk | Flutter |
No native bridge, no V8. Just Dart. |
roblox-ts | Luau |
A TypeScript-to-Luau Compiler for Roblox. (online demo) |
ts2gd | GDScript |
Compile TypeScript to GDScript for Godot. |
ts2c | C |
Convert Javascript/TypeScript to C (online demo) |
ts2nim | Nim |
Typescript to Nim transpiler. |
TypeScript2Cxx | C++ |
TypeScript to C++ transpiler. |
typesl | GLSL |
Typescript to GLSL transpiler. |