Streamlit Deployment of Domain Enhanced Arbitrary Image Style Transfer via Contrastive Learning (CAST)
I'm a big fan of vintage posters. In the past I have tried to make vintage posters out of pictures by scraping a ton of vintage posters from the web, together with landscape pictures, and train a CycleGAN in the hopes that this would apply the style of vintage posters to the landscape pictures. The results were a bit underwhelming, and in order to train the networks to generate images of decent quality a lot of compute was necessary. So I gave up on my dreams and moved on with live.
Until I came across Domain Enhanced Arbitrary Image Style Transfer via Contrastive Learning (CAST)! In this work, the authors tackle the challenging problem of arbitrary image style transfer using a novel style feature representation learning method. A suitable style representation, as a key component in image stylization tasks, is essential to achieve satisfactory results. Existing deep neural network based approaches achieve reasonable results with the guidance from second-order statistics such as Gram matrix of content features. However, they do not leverage sufficient style information, which results in artifacts such as local distortions and style inconsistency. To address these issues, the authors propose to learn style representation directly from image features instead of their second-order statistics, by analyzing the similarities and differences between multiple styles and considering the style distribution.
This repository is a fork of the original, with some alterations made for efficient inference. Unnecessary calculations have been commented out, and image scaling has been fixed so that the input aspect ratio can be preserved. To show off this amazing work I've deployed my altered version as a Streamlit app. Play around with the app and turn your pictures into a Van Gogh masterpiece!
To build this app in a Docker image, run the following bash command:
docker build -t caststreamlit:latest -f docker/Dockerfile .
When the image is built, run it in a container:
docker run -p 8501:8501 caststreamlit:latest
Now you can reach your application in your webbrowser at http://localhost:8501/.
Because of Streamlit limitations, the model runs on cpu and the generated dimensions are capped to not exceed memory limits. If you want to run it locally on gpu, navigate to options/ and change gpu_ids to 0.
To use the app to generate images of better quality, change the value of opt.load_size in To change the quality without using the app, change the flag --load_size in options/
Then put your content images in ./datasets/{datasets_name}/testA, and style images in ./datasets/{datasets_name}/testB.
Example directory hierarchy:
|--- datasets
|--- {datasets_name}
|--- testA
|--- testB
Then, call --dataroot ./datasets/{datasets_name}
Test the CAST model:
python --dataroot ./datasets/{dataset_name} --name {model_name}
The pretrained model is saved at ./checkpoints/CAST_model/*.pth.
BaiduNetdisk: Check here (passwd:cast)
Google Drive: Check here
author = {Zhang, Yuxin and Tang, Fan and Dong, Weiming and Huang, Haibin and Ma, Chongyang and Lee, Tong-Yee and Xu, Changsheng},
title = {Domain Enhanced Arbitrary Image Style Transfer via Contrastive Learning},
booktitle = {ACM SIGGRAPH},
year = {2022}}