This is the rails-version of the pet management system. For this time, there will be other model which is called as "Clinic". Owner could login this application via either Facebook or local sqlite.
bundle install
Install all the necessary gems for this application. Especially, 'omniauth' and 'rails-erd' are used for this application. 'omniauth' is to get login information from Facebook, and 'rails-erd' was used for having model diagram for this app.
rake db:migrate
Migrate the database which is described in db/migrate
rake db:seed
Seed some datas into sqlite3. In this example, I put 4 clinics.
thin start --ssl
This command is for running the server to run this application on the web.
It will show the URL address to access. Make sure that it contains https
It should be https
, not http
. In my example, it was
- Make sure that create your own
file in the project. It should includeFACEBOOK_KEY= <<YOURS>> FACEBOOK_SECRET= <<YOURS>>
OS: MAC OS 10.14 or Lubuntu 16.04 Web browser: Chrome 73.0
Under the MIT License
Helper methods are usually used for moving logics from views. For controller, applicationController will take repetitive code for other controllers. Partial views also take some repetitive code from other view pages. Plus, remember how to use 'build' and 'find_or_create_by' functions, such as ''.